Demand Complete Ban on Bullfights That Subject Animals to Terror and Harm

Target: Clara Marina Brugada Molina, Head of Government of Mexico City, Mexico

Goal: End bullfighting altogether to prevent ongoing fear, distress, and suffering for these animals.

Recent reforms purportedly bar the killing of bulls during bullfights, along with banning the use of sharp implements. Despite these measures, the animals reportedly still endure fear and torment while trapped in an arena filled with excited onlookers. Critics emphasize that any version of bullfighting—no matter how “bloodless”—still subjects these creatures to undue stress, exhaustion, and possible harm.

The demand for more complete reforms has emerged from both local and international observers, who fear that continuing bullfights fosters archaic practices out of step with modern values. While the partial ban on lethal weapons is a step forward, bulls remain forcibly engaged in a spectacle that involves provoking and controlling them solely for human amusement. In some past cases, even these so-called “non-lethal” events have ended in injuries to the creatures involved.

To align with growing global rejection of cruelty-based sports, authorities must expand existing laws and ultimately prohibit bullfighting in all forms. Until a comprehensive ban takes effect, many fear that vulnerable animals will pay the price for maintaining a tradition rooted in violence and exploitation.


Dear Clara Marina Brugada Molina,

Although a recent law bars the most brutal aspects of bullfighting by removing lethal weapons, it still seems that bulls may be subjected to intense fear and distress in the ring. Even with these efforts, the animals face a chaotic and prolonged spectacle that can inflict psychological harm and unnecessary risk to their well-being.

This compromise measure, while an improvement, stops short of fully abolishing a practice steeped in cruelty. As worldwide opinion grows more critical of blood sports, continuing to allow any form of bullfighting seems at odds with this shift in ethical values. Bulls should not be forced to perform purely for entertainment in an environment that amplifies stress and potential injuries.

We respectfully urge you to move beyond partial reforms and work toward a complete ban on bullfighting. By doing so, your administration would demonstrate genuine commitment to progressive animal welfare standards and would protect these sensitive animals from the emotional and physical anguish seemingly inherent in bullfighting events.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Steven Depolo


  1. It is agreed lethal weapon or non, Bullfighting is nothing but animal abuse, therefore it should already be banned!!!!!

  2. Bullfighting with or without weapons is nothing but horrid animal abuse, so it should have been banned by now!!

  3. Susan Rodriguez says:

    This disgusting cruel spectacle needs to end for good!

  4. Cecily Colloby says:

    It’s a pity more matadors don’t get gored to death….perhaps they’d stop it then. There’s always an outpouring of grief when this happens and we are told what a hero the matador was. He wasn’t…he was cowardly scum and deserved everything he got.

  5. It is very cruel and unethical to use animals for entertainment. Animals in entertainments like Bullfights /animal circuses/seaworld/dog fights/cock fights/horse or dog races/elephant & horse rides etc., should be permanently banned so that these God’s creatures can live meaningful and happy lives NATURALLY! Find other alternatives that do not involve animals for human’s entertainments!

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  • sarah sowambur
  • Lynda Hooper
  • Celana Bingham
  • Brenda Arson
  • Brenda Arson
  • Melody Montminy
  • Wanza Lutz
  • Wanza Lutz
  • Cathie Sekendur
  • Barbara Swyden
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