Demand justice for Dog Allegedly Drowned in Airport Restroom

Target: Monique Worrell, State Attorney for Orlando, Florida

Goal: Secure the maximum legal punishment for an individual who reportedly drowned a dog in an airport bathroom.

A dog was apparently killed  when a passenger was told she could not bring the animal onto an airplane due to missing documentation. According to reports, the passenger subsequently drowned the dog in an airport restroom and disposed of its remains in a trash receptacle. Airport staff apparently made the shocking discovery soon afterward, sparking both public outrage and a law enforcement investigation.

Those who follow this case have expressed horror and disbelief at the severity of the alleged cruelty. Observers worry that such a violent act could be repeated if meaningful legal consequences are not enforced. They underscore the importance of ensuring that nobody is allowed to take an animal’s life simply out of frustration or convenience.

Swift action, strong enforcement, and accountability in this incident could serve as a powerful deterrent to future acts of violence against animals. Sign below and demand maximum penalties for individuals found responsible for such cruelty so that society can affirm its commitment to protecting defenseless creatures.


Dear Attorney Monique Worrell,

A profoundly upsetting case has emerged, involving a dog that was allegedly drowned in an airport restroom. This senseless act, prompted by the passenger’s frustration over not being allowed to bring the animal onto a flight, seemingly ended the dog’s life in a gruesome and heartbreaking manner.

Subjecting a helpless creature to such needless violence endangers the principles of compassion and decency. If acts of cruelty go unpunished or are met with insufficient responses, it sends a dangerous message that animals may be disposed of at will.

We respectfully ask that you vigorously pursue this case and, if the evidence supports the charges, apply the strongest legal measures available. Holding the responsible party fully accountable will reinforce the critical notion that all living beings deserve protection and that egregious cruelty must never be tolerated.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: elisfkc



  2. Sandra Bowerman says:

    If it was so easy for that woman to kill her dog, just because she couldn’t take him/her on a plane – just imagine what that poor baby might have experienced previously!! Find her & arrest her!! The security tapes will point you in the right direction. Attorney Generals, prosecutors, and judges need to have more compassion & empathy for innocent animals!! You all need to show humans that violence toward other Living Beings will NOT be tolerated!!! It is NOT God’s/Jesus’s way or approved of!!!

  3. Poor innocent dog! Harsh punishments like long imprisonment, very heavy fine, caning and life time ban on pet ownerhship please!

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292 Signatures

  • Deborah Boomhower
  • Cynthia Allen
  • cameron mansfield
  • Corrine Montoya
  • Jeannine Windisch
  • Lynne Potts
  • sherry mainquist
  • Kathy Roberts
  • dorian canalizo
  • Helene Okhagen
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