Protect Antarctica From Political Power Grabs

Target: Albert Lluberas, Secretariat of Antarctic Treaty

Goal: Ensure Antarctica’s sovereignty by upholding key tenets of Antarctic Treaty.

Antarctica is arguably the last place on Earth untainted by destructive global politics and unrelenting human greed. A treaty first established in 1959 has helped foster increasingly rare peace and stability, at least on the White Continent. During this time, Antarctica has for the human world remained mostly a realm for scientific research. It belongs to no one country or people. But global strife and power grabs are increasingly putting this enduring peace treaty in peril.

Seven countries have made territorial claims on Antarctica. Recently, the leader of one of these nations, Chile, made a visit to Chile’s “claimed” region to affirm the claim. Many other nations are believed to be making plans to stake their own claims. Most troubling, the potential claims of these nations – which include many of the world’s superpowers – are most likely for military purposes. Currently, no military operations are allowed on the continent. In fact, one of the reasons for initially making the treaty was to create a “nuclear-free” zone in the world.  As a means of environmental protection, mineral mining is also prohibited, but this ban is under strain as well.

Sign the petition below to urge the caretakers of this important treaty to honor its terms for the sake of science and stability.


Dear Secretariat Lluberas,

Antarctica is an unmatched haven of cooperation, peace, and stability. The Antarctic Treaty demonstrates that humanity can put aside its selfish ambitions and can work for the betterment of the world. The research conducted on this continent will help guide humanity’s shared future. This work must be protected, as must the sovereignty of Antarctica itself.

The militarization and mining of this land will lead to ominous outcomes. And enabling any one nation or group of nations to wield power over this untamed frontier will create the conditions for a dark future. Please keep the treaty intact, and the peace and progress it embodies.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Glasgow Digital Library

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7 Signatures

  • Susan Lantow
  • sue nightingale
  • Pete Carter
  • Robert Nowak
  • Corinne Senol
  • Wanza Lutz
  • Robert Ortiz
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