Target: Matthew Vaeth, Acting Director of Office of Management and Budget
Goal: Stop freeze on federal financial aid that impacts nearly every facet of American life.
Education, small businesses, healthcare, medical research, and charitable non-profit programs: these are just some of the sectors that largely rely on federal grants and loans to sustain their functions. Altogether, trillions of dollars are allocated by Congress to pay workers and to benefit millions of Americans from all walks of life. A new directive from the Trump administration has put all of this assistance in limbo – and possibly in permanent peril.
The White House budget office released a memo ordering an indefinite pause on all federal loan and grant funding not going directly to individuals. The White House could not even clarify if this freeze would impact funds that go to individuals through organizations. As per usual, this move is being used as political weaponry. The memo stated that federal financial aid should only be “dedicated to advancing Administration priorities” and specifically made mention of “DEI, woke gender ideology and the Green New Deal.” But the policy itself will reach far beyond these wedge issues and will adversely impact the most disadvantaged Americans.
This dictate is not only detrimental to average citizens, but it also violates the authority afforded to Congress by the Constitution to set the federal budget. Sign the petition below to demand immediate revocation of this damaging, illegal, and politically motivated policy.
Dear Acting Director Vaeth,
Organizations devoted to providing food, healthcare, and other sustenance to hurting Americans have been promised financial support from their elected leaders. Are you now willing to break this promise and put in turmoil the lives of not only the direct beneficiaries of this assistance but millions of Americans who rely on the services and employment they provide? The directive signed off by this office is a dereliction of duty and an illegal power grab from the executive branch.
Do not begin your tenure by violating every oath you took. Rescind the pause on federal loans and grants at once.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Airman 1st Class Katrina Heikkinen
Another example of why the Piece of Total Useless Sh*t should never to be allowed to be in the Oval Office…ANYBODY WHO VOTED FOR THE CON MAN, INSURRECTIONIST, SEXUAL PREDATOR/RAPIST SHOULD HAVE THEIR HEAD EXAMINED…IDIOTS!!