Improve Quality of Life in One of World’s Most Impoverished Nations

Target: Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of Somalia

Goal: Take advantage of debt cancellations and launch public works initiatives on a massive scale.

Somalia has benefitted from a major loan write-off from most of its biggest international lenders. The United States recently cancelled a large chunk of the struggling nation’s debt. The debt level once comprised over two-thirds of the country’s finances, and it stood at over six billion dollars. That number has now dropped to half a million dollars.

This country was thrust into its crushing burden by years of military dictatorship. In recent years, leaders have reportedly worked hard to meet the criteria needed for debt cancellation. And the lifting of this burden could significantly alter the future of a nation that has the lowest domestic profit margin in its vast region of sub-Sahara Africa. But in order to truly reverse these fortunes, key investments at the domestic level must now be made by leaders.

Sign the petition below to urge Somali leaders to make these investments and uplift the citizenry.


Dear President Hassan,

The massive cancellation of loans by international lenders is an important opportunity for Somalia. With stability and the availability of more funds, crucial investments can now begin in infrastructure and other public works. Please honor the pledges to make these investments and strengthen Somalia’s recovery.

Ensure these latest developments are the beginning of an exciting and promising new chapter in the lives of all Somalis.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Charles Roffey

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185 Signatures

  • Carolyn Swan
  • patricia calebrese
  • Ricki Newman
  • Wanda Ray
  • Alison Martin
  • Judy Scheffel
  • Evan Jane Kriss
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • Don Dudan
  • Eveline Mutsaerts
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