Target: District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney, Suffolk County, New York State
Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for confining dogs in unsafe and unsanitary conditions.
A woman in Smithtown has been charged with animal cruelty after authorities reportedly discovered six dogs confined inside an unsanitary and deteriorating home. The residence was allegedly deemed unfit for occupancy due to its hazardous conditions, including collapsed ceilings, rotting structures, and floors permeated with urine and feces. A deceased dog was also reportedly found decomposing inside the home.
Detectives described the air inside the house as “noxious,” with overwhelming odors of ammonia, rot, urine, and feces causing officers to cough and gag. The dogs were allegedly confined without access to proper care, living amidst filth and decay. Such conditions not only pose severe health risks to the animals but also reflect a blatant disregard for their well-being.
Animal neglect and cruelty are serious offenses that require immediate legal action. By ensuring that the individual reportedly responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, we can send a strong message that such mistreatment of animals will not be tolerated. Demand that the authorities pursue this case diligently to secure justice for these innocent animals.
Dear District Attorney Tierney,
I am writing to express deep concern over the animal neglect case in Smithtown, where six dogs were allegedly found confined in deplorable and unsafe conditions. The residence was reportedly in a state of significant disrepair, with collapsed ceilings, rotting structures, and floors soaked with urine and feces. A deceased dog was also allegedly discovered decomposing inside the home.
Such conditions suggest a profound disregard for the health and well-being of these animals. Allowing them to live in such an environment not only causes immense suffering but also violates the laws designed to protect animals from cruelty and neglect.
I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. By taking decisive legal action, you can help ensure that justice is served and that similar acts of cruelty are prevented in the future. Please act swiftly to protect the welfare of these animals and uphold the standards of our community.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Thomas Hawk
310 Signatures