Seek Justice for Dog Reportedly Found 29 Pounds Underweight

Target: Patrick Griffin, Connecticut State’s Attorney

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for severely neglecting her dog, causing significant suffering.

A woman in Naugatuck has been charged with animal cruelty after her poodle was reportedly found in a state of serious neglect. Police responded to a noise complaint about a barking dog and apparently discovered the animal in poor condition inside the home. Neighbors said that the homeowner had been absent for about 24 hours, leaving the dog unattended.

Upon assessing the dog’s condition and the state of the home, officers called in animal control for assistance. The dog, named Rocky, was surrendered to authorities and taken to a veterinarian. Reports indicate that Rocky, a two-year-old poodle who should weigh around 50 pounds, was found to weigh only 21 pounds. He was allegedly suffering from severe matting, skin damage from lying in a crate with feces, and other signs of neglect. The dog required sedation to address his condition and is now under the care of Poodle Rescue Connecticut, where he has been renamed “Clarke.”

Such apparent severe neglect not only causes immense suffering to innocent animals but also violates animal welfare laws designed to protect them. To prevent future incidents of this nature and to uphold the standards of animal care, it is imperative that the individual reportedly responsible is held accountable. Demand that authorities fully prosecute the owner to ensure justice for Rocky and deter future acts of cruelty.


Dear State’s Attorney Patrick Griffin,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported case of animal cruelty involving a dog named Rocky in Naugatuck. According to reports, Rocky was found severely underweight and suffering from serious neglect after being left unattended for an extended period. The dog, a two-year-old poodle who should weigh approximately 50 pounds, was reportedly discovered weighing only 21 pounds. He was allegedly found in poor condition, with severe matting and skin damage from lying in a crate with feces.

Neglecting an animal’s basic needs not only causes significant suffering but also represents a serious violation of animal welfare laws. Such actions undermine the standards of care that our society expects and can lead to further instances of cruelty if not addressed appropriately.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. By taking decisive legal action, you can help ensure justice for Rocky and send a clear message that animal neglect will not be tolerated in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: daveynin

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  • Lisa Cairns
  • Donna Koegl
  • Karen Koch
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