Over 300 Animals Reportedly Confined in Feces and Urine Deserve Justice

Target: District Attorney Sandra Doorley, Monroe County, New York State

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for neglecting nearly 300 animals found in deplorable conditions.

In a distressing case, authorities reportedly discovered nearly 300 animals living in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions at a residence in Polk Township. The animals reportedly included over 200 dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, and even a raccoon confined in a padlocked cage. Many of the animals were allegedly emaciated, covered in feces, and suffering from health issues due to suspected neglect.

Investigators reported that the animals were kept in filthy conditions, with ammonia levels in the house far exceeding safe limits. The owner allegedly failed to provide adequate food, water, or veterinary care, resulting in immense suffering for these innocent creatures.

Such apparent mistreatment of animals is unacceptable and demands immediate legal action to prevent future cruelty. Ensuring that the individual reportedly responsible is fully prosecuted will send a strong message that neglect will not be tolerated. Demand that authorities pursue this case to the fullest extent of the law to secure justice for these animals.


Dear DA Sandra Doorley,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported case of severe animal neglect involving nearly 300 animals apparently found in deplorable conditions in Polk Township. According to reports, the animals—including dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, and a raccoon—were confined in unsanitary, overcrowded spaces, suffering from neglect and lack of proper care.

Investigators allegedly found animals living in filth, with ammonia levels in the residence posing significant health risks. Many of the animals were apparently emaciated, covered in feces, and exhibited signs of severe neglect. Such conditions indicate a profound disregard for the well-being of these animals and a potential violation of animal welfare laws.

I urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. Taking decisive legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice, deter future acts of animal cruelty, and help protect vulnerable animals in our community.

Please ensure that justice is served for these innocent creatures and that steps are taken to prevent such horrific neglect from occurring again.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Alexas Fotos

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  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Gloria Navan
  • Eileen Levin
  • Nile Nugnez
  • Nile Nugnez
  • Ethelia Medrano
  • Lynn Borgen
  • Stacy Gardner
  • Thomasin Kellermann
  • Wanza Lutz
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