Seek Justice for Dog Reportedly Found Starving and Locked in Urine-Soaked Crate

Target: Wayne County District Attorney Daniel Connors, Michigan

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for severely neglecting Buster, leaving him malnourished and confined in a urine-soaked crate.

A four-year-old mini Australian Shepherd named Buster was reportedly found severely malnourished, dehydrated, and confined in a cramped 2×3 foot crate covered in urine. Rescued by state troopers during an unrelated investigation, Buster was said to be in critical condition and initially feared dead due to extreme neglect.

Upon investigation, authorities allegedly discovered that Buster’s owner had failed to provide basic sustenance and proper care, leading to severe neglect and urine burns. The dog was reportedly left in unsanitary conditions, confined in a tiny space without adequate food or water, causing immense suffering.

Such severe neglect is unacceptable and demands immediate legal action to prevent future instances of animal cruelty. Ensuring that the individual reportedly responsible is fully prosecuted will send a strong message that such mistreatment will not be tolerated. Demand that the authorities pursue this case to the fullest extent of the law to secure justice for Buster and protect other animals from harm.


Dear District Attorney Daniel Connors,

I am writing to express deep concern over the reported case of severe animal neglect involving a dog named Buster. He was reportedly found severely malnourished, dehydrated, and confined in a cramped 2×3 foot crate covered in urine, leading to critical health conditions and initial fears for his life.

Authorities have reportedly charged the owner with two counts of animal abuse for torturing or injuring animals and failing to provide sustenance. The distressing circumstances under which Buster was allegedly found highlight a serious violation of animal welfare laws and a profound disregard for the well-being of this innocent animal.

We urge your office to ensure that the individual reportedly responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Taking decisive legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice, deter future acts of animal cruelty, and help protect vulnerable animals in our community. Please act to ensure that justice is served for Buster and to prevent similar incidents in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Elf at English Wikipedia

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  • Becky Sawyer
  • Heide Coppotelli
  • Susan Lantow
  • Maria Cal
  • Margot Loerky
  • Xavier Mineo
  • Verónica Gómez
  • Kathleen Archibald
  • Corinne Senol
  • Frank Kling
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