Dog Reportedly Dead From Lack of Air Conditioning and Water Deserves Justice

Target: Brian Haas, State Attorney for the Tenth Judicial Circuit of Florida

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual who reportedly left dogs without air conditioning or water, resulting in one death.

A man was arrested after allegedly leaving his three dogs alone in a home without air conditioning or water, leading to the death of one dog and severe malnourishment of the other two. Deputies allegedly found the home empty, filled with waste, and emitting a foul odor, discovering one dog deceased and beginning to decompose. The surviving dogs were allegedly malnourished, without fresh water, in a house infested with flies and lacking air conditioning.

When authorities arrived for a well-being check, the suspect allegedly lied about his identity, claiming to be a friend checking on the dogs. After further questioning, he reportedly admitted to leaving the dogs unattended, assuming someone else would care for them. The deceased dog appeared to have died from a heart-related issue, potentially exacerbated by the harsh conditions.

This tragic incident underscores the severe consequences of this alleged neglect and the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws. Ensuring that the individual reportedly responsible is fully prosecuted will send a strong message that such neglect and abuse will not be tolerated. Demand that authorities take decisive legal action to prevent future cases of animal cruelty and protect innocent animals from suffering.


Dear State Attorney Brian Haas,

We are deeply concerned about the suspected case of severe animal neglect involving three dogs left reportedly alone without air conditioning or water, resulting in the death of one and severe malnourishment of the other two. According to reports, deputies found the dogs in a waste-filled home with a foul odor, and the deceased dog was beginning to decompose when discovered.

It has been reported that the individual responsible allegedly lied to deputies about his identity and admitted to leaving the dogs unattended, assuming someone else would care for them. The surviving dogs were reportedly found in distressing conditions, without fresh water, and in an environment infested with flies and lacking air conditioning. Such apparent neglect not only caused immense suffering to these innocent animals but also reflects a seeming disregard for their well-being.

We urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. Taking strong legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice, deter future acts of animal cruelty, and help protect vulnerable animals in our community. Please ensure that justice is served in this troubling case.


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Photo credit: cuatrok77

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33 Signatures

  • Bassam Imam
  • Eric von Borstel
  • The Gideon Animal Foundation
  • Janet Barnes
  • Chris Macy
  • Deborah Smith
  • Anna Dahlberg
  • Amy Fleiss
  • Richard Ohlendorf
  • Leigh Coto
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