Dog Reportedly Abandoned in Tiny Storage Room Deserves Justice

Target: David Prater, District Attorney, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma

Goal: Prosecute individuals reportedly responsible for abandoning a dog and advocate for stronger punishments for animal cruelty offenders to prevent future cases of neglect.

A deeply upsetting case of suspected animal cruelty has emerged from Oklahoma County, where a dog was reportedly found abandoned in a cramped 12-foot storage room. The owners, who had recently moved out, seemingly locked the helpless animal inside the small space without water or adequate care for several days. Although food was left outside the locked door, the dog reportedly had no means of accessing it, leaving it vulnerable and suffering.

The Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office, through Deputy Joe Hager, shared the tragic discovery on social media, sparking outrage from the community. The dog, which has since been taken into the care of animal control, has become a symbol of a broader issue: the rising number of abandoned and neglected animals across the country.

Animal shelters nationwide, including those in Oklahoma, are seeing a surge in animal intakes, further exacerbating the overcrowding crisis in these facilities. With a 15% increase in euthanasia rates last year alone, shelters are facing impossible choices, often resulting in heartbreaking outcomes for the animals.

The abandonment of this dog represents an apparent violation of animal welfare laws.

It is imperative that the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office fully prosecutes those reportedly responsible and that they send a message that such cruelty will not be tolerated. Moreover, the situation calls for stronger enforcement of existing animal cruelty laws and more resources for animal control agencies to handle cases of neglect. Take action now.


Dear Mr. Prater,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent case of suspected animal cruelty in Oklahoma County, where a dog was reportedly discovered abandoned in a small 12-foot storage room without water. The owners of the dog seemingly locked it inside the cramped space when they moved out, leaving the animal to suffer for several days. Although food was left outside the door, the dog apparently had no way of accessing it.

This heart-wrenching case, shared by the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office, has sparked outrage and sadness within the community. Abandoning a helpless animal in such conditions is not only morally reprehensible but also a violation of animal cruelty laws.

I urge your office to seek the maximum penalties for those reportedly responsible for this egregious act of neglect. Animal cruelty must not go unpunished, and it is critical that this case sets an example for others who may consider abandoning their pets. Additionally, I encourage you to advocate for stronger enforcement of animal welfare laws and provide more support to local animal control agencies that are grappling with a rise in abandonment and overcrowded shelters.


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Photo Credit: OakleyOriginals

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