Demand Justice for Charlie: Dog Allegedly Punched, Kicked, and Thrown

Target: Cumberland County District Attorney Sean M. McCormack, North Carolina

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of individual reportedly responsible for severely abusing his dog Charlie, leaving him in critical condition.

A 34-year-old man is facing animal cruelty charges after witnesses saw him allegedly punching, kicking, and throwing his dog Charlie, a Husky/Bully mix. The seemingly brutal incident left observers fearing that the dog might not survive the night due to the severity of the abuse.

Police responded to reports on June 8 of a man allegedly violently assaulting his dog on Creekside Lane and Aspen Lane. Witnesses described a harrowing scene where Charlie was subjected to repeated acts of violence, raising serious concerns about his well-being.

This alarming case highlights the urgent need for justice and strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws. Ensuring that the individual reportedly responsible is fully prosecuted will send a strong message that such acts of cruelty will not be tolerated. Demand that authorities take decisive legal action to protect animals and prevent future abuse.


Dear District Attorney Sean M. McCormack,

We are deeply concerned about the reported case of animal cruelty involving a dog named Charlie, who was allegedly punched, kicked, and thrown by his owner. Witnesses feared for the dog’s survival due to the severity of the alleged abuse.

On June 8, police responded to reports of a man allegedly assaulting his dog in Carlisle. The distressing accounts from witnesses describe a brutal attack that left Charlie in critical condition. Such actions not only cause immense suffering to an innocent animal but also reflect a blatant disregard for the laws protecting animal welfare.

We urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to fully prosecute the individual reportedly responsible for this heinous act. Taking decisive legal action will demonstrate a commitment to justice and help prevent future incidents of animal cruelty. Please ensure that those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Fairfax County

One Comment

  1. Put this criminal monster in prison and let the other prisoners know about his crime, they will teach him a lesson. Animal abuse is a heinous criminal activity and the courts need to severely punish and ban life time ownership of animals for abusers. Disgusting human.

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