Protect Domestic Violence Survivors From Automotive Tech Stalking

Target: Gavin Newsom, Governor of California

Goal: Enshrine protections for domestic violence survivors against tech-related abuse into law.

The Violence Against Women Act, a landmark piece of legislation that confronted the issue of domestic violence, celebrated its 30th anniversary. While significant strides have been made in eliminating the stigma around these crimes, ever-evolving technological developments have provided abusers with new methods of controlling and intimidating their victims. One of the nation’s leading charities providing services to survivors of domestic violence reports that nearly three-quarters of the individuals it has helped have claimed they were stalked or harassed via smart devices. Such devices commonly exploited by abusers include smart speakers, video doorbells, key logging software, tracking apps, and the remote access features available in many modern vehicles.

Now, some legislators are trying to reverse this dangerous weaponization of tech. In England and Wales, for example, a bill has been introduced that would criminalize the use of technology to spy on or stalk current or former romantic partners. Authorities would have more discretion to intervene in these cases. And in California, a proposed law has passed the state legislature that would better safeguard survivors of domestic violence from misused automotive technology. In one major feature of the bill, individuals would be able to get requests approved that would terminate a current or former partner’s remote access to the requestee’s vehicle.

If passed, the legislation would be the first of its kind in the United States. It awaits the governor’s signature. Sign the petition below to encourage final passage of a potentially life-saving law that could set a template for other states to follow.


Dear Governor Newsom,

Soon, the nation will commemorate victims of deadly violence. And recently, the United States marked the passage of its most significant piece of domestic violence legislation. What more appropriate time exists for California to help lead the way in addressing one of the most dangerous trends in domestic violence cases: the rise of tech-related abuse?

Please sign into law the bill requiring automakers to ensure their remote access technology is not dangerously misused by domestic abusers.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Hibr

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602 Signatures

  • e penick
  • E Griekspoor
  • Krista Kontzamanys
  • Anne Bekkers
  • Nicole Heurich
  • Gopal Devanathan
  • Amber Wesley
  • Kristin Lewis
  • Alexandra Gierlachowski
  • Mariangela Canzi
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