Demand Justice for Great Pyrenees Allegedly Neglected to Death

Target: Buchanan County Prosecuting Attorney Ronald R. Holliday, Missouri

Goal: Ensure justice for a Great Pyrenees allegedly neglected to death and advocate for stronger enforcement of animal protection laws.

A heartbreaking case of animal cruelty has emerged in St. Joseph, Missouri, where Marc P. Carpenter and Stephany A. Carpenter have been charged with animal abuse after their dog, a Great Pyrenees, was reportedly severely neglected near Lake Contrary. The charges, filed in Buchanan County, stem from an incident when the dog was reportedly rescued and taken to Angel’s Vet Express. Unfortunately, despite veterinary efforts, the dog reportedly succumbed to a range of untreated health issues.

According to the veterinarian’s report, the Great Pyrenees was 50 pounds underweight, had infections and maggots in its ears, suffered from untreated heartworms, and was wearing a collar that had grown into its fur. These severe health conditions reflect suspected prolonged neglect and cruelty, which ultimately led to the dog’s tragic death.

This case calls for justice to be served for the Great Pyrenees, and for Marc and Stephany Carpenter to face the maximum penalties allowed under Missouri’s animal cruelty laws. Animal abuse is a serious offense. Make sure that those responsible are held accountable.


Dear Prosecuting Attorney Ronald R. Holliday,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of suspected animal cruelty in St. Joseph, Missouri, where Marc P. Carpenter and Stephany A. Carpenter have been charged with animal abuse after an allegedly neglected Great Pyrenees dog died. The dog, rescued near Lake Contrary, was reportedly 50 pounds underweight, had maggots in its ears, suffered from untreated heartworms, and was wearing a collar that had grown into its fur. These severe health conditions reflect potentially extreme neglect and cruelty.

Despite the efforts of veterinarians at Angel’s Vet Express, the Great Pyrenees tragically passed away due to the extensive health issues caused by this apparent neglect. This case is both heartbreaking and inexcusable, and it is essential that those responsible are held fully accountable under the law.

As the Buchanan County Prosecuting Attorney, I urge you to pursue the maximum legal penalties for Marc and Stephany Carpenter. Animal cruelty is a serious crime, and justice must be served to prevent such cases of neglect from happening again. By imposing strong legal consequences, you can send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: HeartSpoon

One Comment

  1. Animal cruelty IS a crime! However, due to both animals and children not being able to speak up for themselves, the law must protect them. But the law and our legal system is broken. Many words are spoken but nothing is ever done. This case deserves a harsh ending for the man and woman allowing their pet to suffer like this. Why? A life long ban must be placed on both the man and woman so neither can ever own, work with, or even be near animals for the rest of their guilty lives. They must pay for all medical costs. If they complain take their house, their savings, their cars and anything of value to pay for expenses for their dog. These creeps need to suffer as they made their pet suffer.

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