Protect Plant Products From Cost and Safety Crises

Target: Jonathan Reynolds, UK Secretary of State for Business and Trade

Goal: Put an end to detrimental inspection standards that increase costs for consumers.

Brexit has already caused major headaches, and it’s about to cause a whole new migraine for consumers. British transporters are apparently experiencing major delays in getting imported European Union (EU) goods across the border. Horticulture products are facing particularly prolonged lags in efficient transport.  These problems for producers will most likely be passed on to consumers in the form of higher costs. Worse yet, questions are being raised about possible deficient standards in vetting these products. If true, defective products and damaging plant pests could be entering the region.

One of the issues driving the wait time is an apparent post-Brexit dictate that EU imports be subjected to port checks. Previously, many products (like plant-based products) were thoroughly inspected once they arrived on-site at their destination. Seeming difficulties in recruiting qualified port inspectors has heightened the problem and increased concerns about the efficiency of these inspections. As a result, consumers are not only facing potential price hikes from the clogged supply chains but possible threats to their well-being too.

Sign the petition below to demand leaders heed calls for a better system that serves producers and consumers.


Dear Secretary Reynolds,

Nearly day-long delays of lorries, lacking port authority recruitment. diminished crop production, potential pest infusion, and 4.7 billion pounds of added costs: these are just some of the consequences of post-Brexit border check delays and deficiencies. A decided lack of preparedness by government officials has been blamed for these critical problems. Both producers and consumers are suffering the consequences as they see fears of price increases realized and promises for efficiency and safety crumbled. The National Audit Office in particular has clearly outlined the problems with the current border check strategy.

Please listen to these concerns and devise a stronger strategy where the benefits unequivocally outweigh the massive costs.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Mariya B

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192 Signatures

  • patricia calebrese
  • Wanda Ray
  • Don Dudan
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Catherine Livingston
  • Julie Christopherson
  • Julia Linke
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