Demand Justice for 348 Animals Reportedly Found Malnourished and Dehydrated

Target: Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita

Goal: Ensure those responsible for this extensive animal cruelty case are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and advocate for stronger enforcement of animal welfare regulations in Indiana.

In Gosport, Indiana, a troubling case has emerged involving 348 animals allegedly found in dire conditions on the property of Cody Woods and Amanda Simpson. The animals, which included dogs, ducks, chickens, goats, and horses, were reportedly malnourished and dehydrated, with many found deceased. The Owen County Humane Society and other local shelters have stepped in to rescue and care for the surviving animals, underscoring what appears to be a significant breach of animal welfare standards.

The investigation began after reports of a neglected horse prompted a deputy’s visit, reportedly revealing most animals lacked food and water. Upon obtaining a search warrant, a veterinarian allegedly discovered numerous dead animals, highlighting severe neglect. This case has overwhelmed local shelters due to the volume of animals needing care, underscoring the necessity for community support and donations.

This incident highlights the critical importance of vigilant reporting by community members to prevent animal neglect and abuse. Timely intervention can significantly impact animal welfare. Ensure accountability and deter future neglect and cruelty in the community.


Dear Attorney General Todd Rokita,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of apparent extensive animal cruelty in Gosport, Indiana, involving Cody Woods and Amanda Simpson. Authorities reportedly discovered 348 animals in deplorable conditions, many of whom were malnourished, dehydrated, and some deceased. This incident seems to represent a severe violation of animal welfare standards and demands immediate attention.

I urge your office to prioritize the prosecution of those responsible to the fullest extent of the law. It is crucial to send a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Indiana and to implement stricter enforcement of animal welfare regulations to prevent such incidents in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Indiana Public Media


  1. These two people should be put outside, tied up, with one bucket of water and a small portion of food per day.Nothing else. Let them suffer being tied up and unable to help themselves. They actually should be shot for ignoring their own animals. We have no laws, we use felonies but still nothing is done. Our legal system is shit. Animals are innocent and these damn perps know this. America is the land of laws but no justice. These humans are not human but not good enough to be called animals. They are slime and should be treated as such. Take all they have and put them in prison.Throw away the key.


  3. These two people did this to 348 animals? I’m sure they don’t care but they should. If the law could so to them what they have done to others, they would die in the process as some of the animals did in this case. Two perps who don’t deserve the air they breathe. Are they insane? A mental evaluation is necessary and possible mental institution for life is in store. The law is sues which is why this keeps happening. It’s not your family suffering these injustices, yet it matters for one day, if the law stays as it is, this could easily become part of everyday life. Americans are tired of this. We do pay our taxes yet we have no protection from perps like this. Americans want the law to step up and do the job it was meant to do. Now, not later.

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  • Kathy Harris
  • Brenda Dumont
  • Flora Psarianos
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Alison Martin
  • Alice Rim
  • Raphaël PONCE
  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Sandra Bigart
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