End the Use of Overworked Donkeys as Transport

Target: Mayor Josele Gonzalez, Mijas Town Hall, Spain

Goal: Demand an end to the use of donkeys as transport in Mijas, ensuring their protection and promoting tourism that respects animal welfare.

Recent incidents of alleged animal cruelty in Mijas have sparked outrage among tourists and residents alike, highlighting a troubling practice that needs urgent reform. Donkeys in Mijas have been reportedly overworked under extreme conditions, with video evidence showing them collapsing from exhaustion in sweltering temperatures. Eyewitness accounts describe scenes where the animals are left tied up, unable to rest or receive adequate care, even as they endure harsh treatment while transporting tourists.

This situation is exacerbated by the fact that some locals and authorities reportedly dismiss these concerns, allowing the exploitation to continue unabated. PACMA, an animal rights group, has long called for an end to this practice, proposing alternative solutions that maintain jobs and tourism without resorting to animal exploitation. However, dialogues with the local government and donkey handlers have yet to yield significant change.

It is imperative that Mijas evolves in its approach to tourism, shifting towards humane and ethical practices that respect the dignity and well-being of animals. The iconic donkeys of Mijas should not be subjected to such treatment; they deserve a life of care and respect, free from the burdens of exploitation. Demand an end to the use of donkeys as transport.


Dear Mayor Josele Gonzalez,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the ongoing use of donkeys for tourist transportation in Mijas, as recent incidents have highlighted severe alleged mistreatment and overworking of these animals. Eyewitness accounts and video evidence have shown donkeys apparently collapsing under extreme conditions, deprived of rest and proper care.

This practice is not only inhumane but also tarnishes the reputation of Mijas as a tourist destination. The exploitation of animals for entertainment and profit is increasingly unacceptable to tourists and residents alike, who call for ethical alternatives that respect animal welfare.

I urge you to take immediate action to end the use of donkeys as transport in Mijas and implement measures that ensure their protection and well-being. By doing so, Mijas can set an example as a humane and responsible tourist destination, attracting visitors who value compassion and respect for all living beings.


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Photo credit: Tomas Castelazo

One Comment

  1. Lesley Rodgers says:

    The Spanish are cruel people who will always put money over animal welfare. They will not have any problem with animals suffering and dying, and are also deliberately cruel to their animals. They used to bake puppies and kittens alive in ovens to force the South American peoples to become Catholic, because if they did not they would also scream like those poor baby animals in the death ovens. That is the Spanish for you! I do not think they have changed much since then. If all tourists would avoid Spain altogether that might make a difference but I doubt that the cruel and brutal Spanish will ever become humane people.

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