24 Dogs Allegedly Tortured and Starved Cry for Justice

Target: Tim Griffin, Attorney General of Arkansas

Goal: Ensure justice for allegedly abused dogs.

A horrifying case of suspected animal cruelty has surfaced in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where 36-year-old Vikki Davidson is accused of severe neglect and abuse of 24 dogs. Elkins Police Department officers seized 24 apparently malnourished dogs from Davidson’s residence. The dogs were reportedly kept in appalling conditions, confined to one room for extended periods without food and water. Davidson allegedly fed them uncooked rice and beans instead of proper dog food, leading to sickness and death among the dogs. Reports also accuse Davidson of physically abusing the dogs, using brass knuckles and frying pans to inflict harm.

The situation came to light when a family renting rooms in Davidson’s house contacted police after a dog bit a teenager. The police had prior knowledge of the residence due to multiple complaints about unsanitary conditions and unregistered dogs. During their investigation, officers reportedly discovered dead dogs on the property, including one in a shallow grave, partially eaten by other dogs and another in a plastic bag inside a cooler.

Davidson’s alleged actions have sparked outrage, and it is crucial to ensure she is held accountable for her suspected inhumane treatment of these animals. The severity of the abuse calls for a thorough investigation and maximum legal consequences to prevent cruelty from occurring again.


Dear Attorney General Tim Griffin,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of suspected animal cruelty in Fayetteville, Arkansas, involving Vikki Davidson. Ms. Davidson has been charged with 24 counts of animal cruelty for allegedly torturing and neglecting 24 dogs under her care. The details of this case are horrifying, with reports of dogs being confined to a single room without food and water, fed uncooked rice and beans, and subjected to physical abuse with brass knuckles and frying pans.

This case highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws and appropriate legal consequences for those who commit such heinous acts. The alleged suffering endured by these dogs is unimaginable, and it is vital to ensure that justice is served.

I urge you to prioritize this investigation and prosecute Vikki Davidson to the fullest extent of the law. It is essential to send a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Arkansas, and that those who engage in such behavior will face severe consequences.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: bullcitydogs


  1. Put this monster in prison and don’t feed her.

  2. Vikki needs to feel the pain she caused. She killed living beings without a care in the world. Life doesn’t work that way. Vikki used brass knuckles so allow her to feel what her face feels like after being beaten with brass knuckles. She starved living beings, thus she needs to feel starvation. She needs to live in a cell for the remainder of her horrible life. She is accountable. She must pay the price for her actions taken out of innocent animals. She is what a nightmare is made of. Your job is to get justice for the animals she made suffer. She is the reason for strict laws to make others pay attention and realize if they follow her, they will live to regret it all the days of their lives. She is the example of what not to do and what not to be. Now, she must pay with her life for the rest of her life.

  3. Irene Leggett says:

    Perhaps ts time to add the death penalty to these vile, psychotic animal abusers. Just rid the world of them as no-one will give a damn or even care.

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