Seek Justice for Dog Allegedly Beaten with Axe Handle

Target: Hon. Vernon Stewart, District Attorney, Harnett County, North Carolina

Goal: Ensure the highest possible charges against Antonio Lamont Price for alleged animal abuse and ensure the dogs’ safety and welfare.

In a deeply troubling alleged case of animal cruelty, Antonio Lamont Price, a 53-year-old resident of Dunn, North Carolina, has been arrested following allegations of severely beating his dog with an axe handle. Witnesses reported seeing Price strike the dog, leading to the dog’s severe injuries, including a broken jaw. According to police reports, the incident was discovered when Officer Benjamin Green responded to a call regarding suspected animal abuse at Price’s residence on East Divine Street.

Upon arrival, Officer Green engaged with Price, who initially stated that one of his dogs had tried to bite him. When asked about the reported beating, Price reportedly admitted to using a stick, later identified as an axe handle, to discipline the dog. The officer discovered a “very hesitant” brown Boxer in the backyard, showing apparent signs of trauma, including a laceration on its face, swollen eyes, and bleeding from the mouth. Dunn Animal Control Director Courtney Hayter stated that the dog had sustained head trauma, with pupils of different sizes and visible swelling, indicating suspected severe mistreatment.

Hayter noted that the dog, which was also pawing at its face, appeared to suffer from a broken jaw. The conditions in which the dogs were kept were reportedly deemed unfit, lacking proper shelter, food, or water. As a result, three dogs were seized from the property to ensure their safety and well-being.

During the seizure, Price reportedly exhibited aggressive behavior, punching the animal control vehicle and resisting arrest, leading to additional charges of resisting a public officer and injuring personal property. Price was subsequently taken into custody and held at the Harnett County Detention Center on a $5,000 secured bond.

The most critically injured dog, a brindle female pit bull, required emergency surgery to repair her injured mouth and is currently recovering under veterinary care. Due to the severity of the injuries inflicted upon the dog, the District Attorney’s office is considering elevating the animal cruelty charge against Price to a felony. Ensure the highest possible charges against the alleged perpetrator.


Dear Hon. Vernon Stewart,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of severe animal cruelty allegedly committed by Antonio Lamont Price in Dunn, North Carolina. The reports indicate that Price brutally beat his dog with an axe handle, resulting in severe injuries, including a broken jaw, head trauma, and significant bleeding.

The disturbing allegations in this case, including the dog’s severe physical trauma and the inadequate living conditions for all three dogs on the property, underscore the necessity for stringent legal action. Given the gravity of the alleged abuse, it is imperative that we ensure justice for the abused dog and prevent such incidents from recurring.

I urge you to elevate the animal cruelty charge against Antonio Lamont Price to the felony level and to ensure that the seized dogs are permanently removed from his custody. It is essential to send a clear message that animal cruelty is a serious offense and that those responsible will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ildar Sagdejev


  1. Ronda Gish says:

    Make the punishment mirror the crimes

  2. No animal is safe living with such a violent and angry monster. Clearly Antonio Lamont Price in Dunn has anger issues and he is also an animal abuser. Thank you for rescuing the dogs, they must be suffering and living in fear everyday! Please rehome these dogs to good families and yes charge this sob with felony animal cruelty…he must face the harshest punishments ever!

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