Dogs Reportedly Exposed to Dangerous Heat and Filthy Conditions at Puppy Mill Deserve Justice

Target: Hon. Phil Archer, State Attorney, Eighteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida

Goal: Urge strict legal action against Elisabeth Cleveland for alleged animal cruelty and ensure all rescued animals receive necessary medical attention and care.

In Merritt Island, Florida, a disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty has come to light involving a puppy mill reportedly run by Elisabeth Cleveland. The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, led by Sheriff Wayne Ivey, apparently discovered numerous dogs living in appalling conditions across three properties. These dogs reportedly suffered from severe neglect, with food dishes containing vomit, water pails filled with mold and algae, and temperatures inside doghouses soaring above 100 degrees.

The dogs were reportedly found with various health issues, including open wounds, broken legs, and eye infections. Cleveland allegedly practiced unlicensed veterinary medicine, administering injections and even euthanizing a dog herself. Many dogs were apparently living under floorboards or in puddles of water, reflecting the dire circumstances they endured.

After resisting initial investigations, Cleveland was eventually arrested and charged with 134 counts of animal cruelty. Despite the severity of the allegations, she was released on a bond of $259,000. Sign below and demand justice for these innocent animals.


Dear Hon. Phil Archer,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent case of alleged animal cruelty in Merritt Island involving Elisabeth Cleveland. The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office reported uncovering a horrific situation where numerous dogs were found in deplorable conditions, suffering from severe neglect and various health issues. The dogs were reportedly left in extreme heat, deprived of clean water, and subjected to unlicensed veterinary practices.

Cleveland faces 134 counts of animal cruelty, yet she has been released on bond. It is imperative that she faces strict legal consequences for her alleged actions to ensure justice for these innocent animals.

I urge you to take immediate and decisive action to prosecute Elisabeth Cleveland to the fullest extent of the law. Additionally, please ensure that all rescued animals receive the necessary medical attention and care they desperately need. The safety and well-being of these animals depend on your commitment to enforcing animal cruelty laws and holding those responsible accountable.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: nikoretro


  1. This woman needs to understand how horrible her actions were and how much pain she caused innocent animals. We al need to make this stop as this is no way to treat other living beings. Take the animals out but allow this woman to pay for full medical services. That will be a massive bill. TO pay she may have to sell her property but prior to that she needs to be placed where she helped these animals without food or water. One time and anyone with any amount of intelligence would be cured and never do such actions again. Our society is based on laws to keep the peace. This woman broke the laws and is a drain on society. Punish her so she will not do this again.

  2. This is an outrage these pupils have to be outlawed. This has to be brought to the government attention. This should not be happening in this country. This is not a third world country. This demon bitch needs to be jailed left with moldy water and in unhealthy conditions. An eye for an eye I always say.

  3. Everyday I open my email and I find so many animal abuse cases. It’s a disgusting disgrace. This has to stop!!! Puppy mills have to be outlawed. This so called woman needs to go to jail have her account seized to pay for all the
    Medical bills for these dogs. She made her money with the lives of these dogs well she should have to pay. She doesn’t deserve probation she’ll only come out and do it again. These judges has to stop slapping these criminals on the wrist. If they can abuse animals they will graduate to humans. What’s it going to take for the courts to realize this is a serious matter?!?!

  4. Lesley Rodgers says:

    This hallens over and over again. Evil, greedy people neglecting and torturing and killing animals for profit. Sometimes just for fun! Both are evil and unacceptable in society. These people ( I would call the scum) need to either be punished properly or executed so that they are no longer a danger to society. They are just as bad as murderers because they have caused sentient creatures to suffer horribly and die. These crimes need to be recognised and dealt with.

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