Justice for Two Dogs Allegedly Starved and Abandoned

Target: Barbara Adams, Attorney General of Nova Scotia, Canada

Goal: Hold accountable suspects reportedly responsible for abandoning and starving two dogs.

A distressing case of reported animal cruelty has recently surfaced in Digby County, where two dogs were allegedly left to starve inside a small, closed building. The bodies of Sasha and Thor, reportedly found in a state of severe neglect, have shocked and outraged the local community. The dogs’ caretaker, entrusted with their well-being after their original owner passed away, has been charged with abandonment and causing unnecessary suffering.

Witnesses and community members describe the impact of this incident as devastating, with many expressing deep sorrow and anger. The dogs, known for their affectionate nature, were reportedly left without food or water for an unknown period, leading to their tragic deaths. The community has come together, organizing vigils and calling for stricter enforcement of animal protection laws to prevent such incidents in the future.

The need for justice in this case is paramount. The current laws regarding animal cruelty are seen as inadequate, with insufficient penalties and enforcement. It is crucial to ensure that those allegedly responsible for such heinous acts are held accountable to deter future occurrences. Enforce stricter legal measures against animal cruelty and ensure that those found guilty face appropriate consequences.


Dear Barbara Adams,

We, the undersigned, urge you to take immediate and stringent action regarding the reported case of animal cruelty in Digby County, where two dogs were allegedly abandoned and left to starve. The community is deeply affected by this incident, and there is a collective demand for justice for Sasha and Thor, the two dogs who reportedly suffered and died in such a horrific manner.

The details surrounding this case are deeply disturbing. Reports indicate that the dogs were found in a small, closed building, deprived of food and water for an unknown period. The alleged actions of their caretaker, who was entrusted with their well-being, have resulted in criminal charges. This apparent negligence and disregard for life cannot go unpunished.

We request that you ensure the legal system holds those allegedly responsible for this cruelty fully accountable. It is vital to enforce and strengthen animal protection laws to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future. Justice for Sasha and Thor is not only about punishing the alleged perpetrator but also about setting a precedent that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pleple2000


  1. sylvia vegas says:

    This cruel world is full of degenerates that should be ‘disposed off’ immediately …

  2. Patricia Schwarzman says:

    Why is the ‘first world’ not dictating one law ‘for all the trangresors in this country’?
    Nuts, sickos, ill-born cowards, degenerates, etc., should be punished, no exceptions!

  3. These abusers need to go without food or water until dead as he, or they, can feel the pain and anguish. People like this are beyond human as they are monsters. Two lovely dogs, gentle and loving but both were made to end their lives in anguish. It’s a slow death and I want the people who made this happen to these dogs have it happen to them. No one will heaven their fries or yells for help and for mercy. They showed no mercy and none will be shown them. Monsters like this make the world a horrid place. It doesn’t have to be this way but as long as villains live and evil exists we will remain saddened by stories of horrors just like this one. This will not be tolerated

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  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Kathryn Fenn
  • Vincent L
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • Kathy Harris
  • Judy Pritchett
  • Siân Street
  • Jen Bradford
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