Justice for Donkey and Pony Reportedly Subjected to Bestiality and Brutal Killing

Target: Isidro R. Alaniz, Webb County District Attorney, Texas

Goal: Prosecute Ricardo Segura Jr. for his alleged acts of bestiality, torture, and killing of farm animals.

Allegations surfaced concerning the brutal deaths of two defenseless livestock animals. Ricardo Segura Jr. is now facing charges linked to these horrifying allegations, including one of bestiality that resulted in death. These disturbing events reportedly occurred on Candlewood Drive, where a donkey was found deceased due to apparent blunt force trauma, and a pony was reportedly discovered decapitated days later.

Further investigations led to Segura’s arrest, with initial charges pertaining to cruelty towards livestock. Authorities have since expanded these charges after tests reportedly indicated the presence of Segura’s DNA at both crime scenes. The community is left reeling from these shocking events, calling for justice to be served swiftly and firmly. It is imperative that these alleged acts of cruelty are not only prosecuted to the fullest extent but also used to set a precedent against similar future atrocities.

The severity of these allegations demands immediate and decisive action. The community, shocked and saddened by such cruelty, looks to its leaders to uphold justice. Take a firm stance and ensure that these heinous allegations do not go unpunished.


Dear District Attorney Isidro R. Alaniz,

We are writing to express our deep concern over the alleged brutal acts of animal cruelty committed by Ricardo Segura Jr. It has come to our attention that Segura faces serious charges involving the killing of two livestock animals under particularly disturbing circumstances. These allegations, supported by the apparent discovery of Segura’s DNA at the crime scenes, call for a strong and immediate response.

This case not only involves reported acts of extreme violence against animals but also represents a breach of our community’s trust and safety. The details of these allegations are profoundly disturbing, with one animal suffering blunt force trauma and another being decapitated. Such actions must be met with the full force of the law to reflect the seriousness of the offenses and to deter similar future acts.

We urge you to prosecute Ricardo Segura Jr. to the fullest extent of the law, reflecting both the gravity of the crimes and the community’s expectation for justice. These alleged acts of cruelty cannot be overlooked or minimally punished. Our community trusts in your commitment to justice and in your ability to uphold our shared values against such senseless violence.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Webb County Sheriff’s Office


  1. Patricia Williams says:

    This is a Perverted POS that this Earth, the people and animals, do not need around.

  2. Maureen Downs says:

    Any person practising bestiality whatever their race need to be prosecuted and jailed. They must pay for their crime and I should imagine no woman, man, or child are safe around these perverts.

    • Jeannie Frank says:

      Totally agree-this despicable trash needs to be prosecuted to the fullest,thrown in the gates of hell!

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      Exactly!! THANK YOU!! That being said i have no problem with criminals and animal abusers being deported. Most likely they will not be punished for animal abuse along with the ones who are Americans.

      • Kathleen Schaertel says:

        If we don’t punish and /or imprison him here, other animals in other countries will suffer and he’ll never be stopped!

  3. Ruth Attarian says:

    Give this asshole public capital punishment

  4. This monster needs to go. Period.

  5. Dana Henderson says:

    I would tear this ignorant idiot to pieces, Scumbag…

  6. Carol Pearce says:

    Just cut his dick off and let him bleed to death. P.O. effing shit.

  7. This is a sick twisted barbaric cruel open and shut case of a pathetic excuse for a human being! This psycho must be locked up for life in solitary confinement! He is a danger to society and must be prosecuted as such!

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    Isidro R. Alaniz, Webb County District Attorney, Texas

    Was this monster out on bail after his first charges????????


  9. Sandra Weber says:

    You need to show him the same mercy he showed to the helpless animals he killed. NONE! This guy is so perverted and there is nothing that’s going to cure him. The just and only punishment for him is to execute him and do the world a favor.

  10. Cindy Miller says:

    Disgusting human being, I don’t think any punishment would be good enough but death
    is the only thing for the suffering of the animals!

  11. Susan Rodriguez says:

    This is appalling. These animals must have suffered terribly. Prosecute him, jail him and throw away the key. Hopefully someone in the prison will rid us of him!

    • Marlene De- Abel says:

      Perhaps someone knows an inmate that could accommodate that but first do to this piece of rubbish what he did to these poor little defenceless animals, if the courts aren’t upholding their side of the law.

  12. Urszula Lund says:

    DEATH PENALTY for ALL animal-torturers and animal-abusers. No animal deserves to be mistreated by dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic scum.
    ALL animal-abusing sadists must be EUTHANIZED to set an example.
    NO animal-tormentor should get away with such a horrific crime.
    LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    his pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this scumbag!

  13. Urszula Lund says:

    DEATH PENALTY for ALL animal-torturers and animal-abusers. No animal deserves to be mistreated by dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic scum.
    ALL animal-abusing sadists must be EUTHANIZED to set an example.
    NO animal-tormentor should get away with such a horrific crime.
    LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    his pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this scumbag!

  14. Agree all comments, cut his penis off let him bleed to death and bash the sick c**t with a axe. This fucker don’t deserve to live . Justice now you unless bastards and stop people doing this and these bastards need tortured to death. Eye for a eye. Whats wrong with people and laws in this world not worth pissing on.

  15. Jaime Perez says:

    Castrate the sicko with a dull knife!!

  16. Kill this POS. He’s probably here illegally anyway. You don’t harm animals like this.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      And what should be done to the WHITE AMERICAN couple who did the same exact thing? Where they raped animals with cattle prods and had to be euthanized? Or dog killer MAGAt Kristy Noem who got a job at White House?

  17. Kill this POS. What a loser. You don’t harm animals like this.

  18. Treat this lowlife asshole the same way he treated those poor, helpless animals.

  19. Laura Rolder says:

    This poor animals deserve justice.No more slap on the wrist forxthis evil sick monsters. He deserves to be dead if it was up to us amimal lovers. No animal should ever go through such vile horrific abuse and murdered. The same needs to be done to the abuser. The law won’t do that so a life in prison is what is some justice. No living being is safecifvthis monster is in society.

  20. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Hooves Matter

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