Pregnant Street Dog Allegedly Stabbed Multiple Times Deserve Justice

Target: YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, India

Goal: Ensure the alleged perpetrator faces justice for the brutal stabbing of a pregnant street dog.

The horrific act that occurred late at night in Guntur in India’s Andhra Pradesh has sent shockwaves through the community. Allegedly, a pregnant street dog was subjected to multiple stabbings by an individual associated with a local meat shop. This reportedly cruel act ended not only the life of the dog but also the unborn puppies she carried.

Eyewitness accounts suggest the accused did not hesitate to inflict such brutality, highlighting a severe lack of empathy and respect for life. The details emerging from the scene paint a grim picture of the dog’s suffering. This incident allegedly happened in public view, further stressing the urgent need for legal intervention and stricter animal cruelty laws.

The necessity of immediate action cannot be overstated. The community’s trust in local enforcement and animal welfare protections is shaken. A prompt and firm response is required to ensure this alleged atrocity is not overlooked. Justice for this dog and her unborn puppies is paramount. Demand that the authorities take swift and decisive action.


Dear CM Reddy,

We are writing to express our profound disturbance and outrage over the alleged brutal act of animal cruelty that took place in Guntur. A pregnant street dog was reportedly repeatedly stabbed by an individual working at a local meat shop, resulting in her death and the loss of her unborn puppies. This reprehensible act reportedly occurred around midnight, witnessed by locals who are now traumatized and seeking justice.

This alleged incident reflects not just a single act of cruelty but highlights a broader issue of animal rights and safety in our community. The details of the apparent attack show a horrifying disregard for life, raising serious concerns about public safety and the moral fabric of our society. We urge you to ensure that this case is treated with the seriousness it warrants and that a thorough investigation is conducted.

We demand that the individual allegedly responsible for this heinous act be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our community must see justice served, restore faith in our local governance and law enforcement, and deter any such future acts of cruelty. Please take immediate action to address this grave injustice and protect our community’s animals from such brutal acts.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Immanuel Giel


  1. Lately, many of the petitions here deal with animal abuse in India… WTAF is going on in India?

  2. Irene Leggett says:

    The masses in INDIA are sooo in-bred and out-of-control that this country is becoming the brutal, cruel, despicable country on this planet. These heinous atrocities are being inflicted onto innocent dogs every day with NO justice. Shame on the government and police who stand and watch and do NOTHING, they are as guilty as the psychotic POS that carry out these horrific attacks. The country is fast becoming lawless and godless. I any natural disasters occur in INDIA, do NOT expect any sympathy or funds from me as this country deserves Karma payback tenfold.

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