Justice For Dogs Run Over, Stabbed and Chained in South Africa

Target: Livingstone Mzukisi Sakata, Director of Public Prosecutions for the Northern Cape Division of the High Court in Kimberley, South Africa

Goal: Ensure legal consequences for those responsible for running over, stabbing, and chaining dogs in Calvinia.

Reports from Calvinia, a town marked by poverty, highlight the dire conditions hundreds of dogs endure daily. These animals, reportedly left starving and disease-ridden, suffer from acts of cruelty including being stabbed, run over, and chained so tightly that their flesh is torn. This situation, marred by violence and neglect, calls for urgent legal action.

Details have emerged of dogs like Boelie and Tiger, who were stabbed multiple times in a horrific act of cruelty. While Tiger died from his injuries, Boelie was rushed for emergency veterinary care and survived. Such cases of brutality, coupled with systemic neglect by local authorities, underline the need for immediate and forceful legal response.

The growing frequency of such incidents—stabbing, deliberate hit-and-runs, and other forms of abuse—demonstrate a disturbing trend. Address and halt these acts of cruelty, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.


Dear Director Sakata,

We are compelled to write to you due to the escalating situation in Calvinia, where dogs endure daily acts of extreme cruelty and neglect. Reports indicate that these animals suffer from severe malnutrition, diseases, and brutal injuries from deliberate acts of violence, including stabbings and being run over by cars. These actions are not only inhumane but also a violation of animal welfare laws.

Despite efforts to rescue these poor creatures, the scope of cruelty continues to expand, with increasing reports of such barbaric acts. This pattern suggests a systemic failure to protect these vulnerable animals and a need for a stronger legal framework to prosecute those responsible.

Therefore, we urgently request your office to prioritize these cases and ensure that all individuals implicated in these acts of cruelty are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is imperative to send a clear message that animal cruelty is a serious crime and will not be tolerated.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Laurie Gouley


  1. Ok… I see a bunch of these comments all bickering about politics and race… DO YOU THINK ANIMALS CARE WHAT COLOR YOU ARE OR WHAT POLITICAL AFFILIATION YOU ARE??? ANIMALS DO NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND RACE YOU FREAKING IDIOTS!!!!!!! This is exactly why and how everything is happening in the first place. Instead of bickering like babies over race and politics, everyone needs to pull together and do more than shell out money and sign petitions. People need to go after the abusers and killers…. idc about race or politics. I care about innocent animals purposely being hurt and/or killed.

    • 100% Michele!!

    • Yes but what else can we do if we live so far away?

      • One thing that needs to change is innocent people paying trying to help or trying to stop animal abuse. The people who are hurting and killing the animals need to pay! They need to be charged high fines in which the money goes to animal shelters and hospitals to help towards other animals! There need to be stricter laws around the world where people are jailed for hurting and killing animals. While they are in jail, they should be forced to work and that money they earn should go only towards helping animals. It would be a step in the right direction.

  2. Patricia Ann Moody says:

    I agree TOTALLY! People must get involved in these massive Animal RAPE & Torture cases of poor Animals who suffer& starving to Death. Lock these Criminals & human Savages! People speak up! Hold Demonstrations, protest against cruelty! TAKE ACTION HERE!

    • Yes, 100%! It is the people who are innocent who sign petitions and give money to help. The people who did the crime should be charged high fines and all of the money should go to animal shelters and hospitals to help the other animals.

  3. anne salzmann says:

    Thank you for seeing that humans treat their animal compatriots with love and compassion.

  4. Ashley Swinney says:

    I try very hard everyday to be a good person and role model for mine but this right here..if I could..I swear on everything I love and hold sacred I would chain those demons tight enough to crush windpipes and tase the shit out of them while they died.

  5. Animals are not trash, always be kind to them! They have the right to live freely/safely and should be treated with respect. South Africa, please step up your animal laws and protect these kind living souls. Punish those that abuse animals with very harsh penalties to uphold justice!

  6. Stephanie Geywer says:

    “The more helpless the victim, the greater the crime” (source: Dr Gerald Curtler).

  7. Heidi Ruzek says:

    Horrific tragedy-innocent animals.



  10. val van dijk says:


  11. Corrupt, backwards, ignorant, uneducated peasants with no compassion or empathy that is who you are dealing with here. A country where nothing is sacred or loved, a nation incapable of evolving and growing. Murder is commonplace, robberies are frequent and abuse of people is as prolific as that of defenceless animals. The rot is core deep. They are almost certainly unwilling to change. So who are we appealing to exactly?

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