Target: Mark Dreyfus, Attorney-General of Australia
Goal: Find and punish the man caught on video strangling and beating a dog.
The community of Port Douglas was shaken by an incident that unfolded, involving the brutal mistreatment of a defenseless dog. According to eyewitness accounts and video footage, a man was seen strangling and beating the animal near Port Douglas Hotel on Davidson St. This event is not only shocking but also demands immediate legal scrutiny and a strong response from our legal system.
Eyewitnesses and multiple pieces of video evidence suggest that the suspect was involved in strangling and dragging the dog around 4:40 pm local time. While the police were notified, no suspect was identified. The community’s response was swift, with many concerned individuals contacting local authorities to express their worry and seek justice for the dog, whose current condition remains unknown.
The necessity of a prompt and decisive response to this crime cannot be overstated. Protecting our community’s animals from such cruelty is imperative. A thorough investigation must be undertaken to bring the perpetrator to justice. Locate and charge the individual responsible but also ensure such incidents are met with the full force of the law.
Dear Attorney General Mark Dreyfus,
We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern and outrage over the recent incident in Port Douglas, where a dog was subjected to extreme cruelty. The accounts from witnesses and the video footage, point to an act of alarming brutality that cannot go unaddressed. This letter serves as a call to action for your department, urging a thorough and swift investigation into this matter.
The details that have emerged about the incident are profoundly disturbing. Multiple witnesses have seen the suspect engaging in the abuse, and there is video evidence supporting these claims. The community’s reaction has been one of shock and an immediate demand for justice. It is crucial that this case be treated with the seriousness it warrants, ensuring that the perpetrator is held accountable under the law.
In conclusion, we implore you to prioritize this case and utilize all available resources to investigate and prosecute the individual responsible for this act of cruelty. The residents of Port Douglas, and more broadly, all who advocate for the ethical treatment of animals, look to you for leadership and justice in this troubling time.
[Your Name Here]
Why did the eye witness not stop him? I’d have intervened! Now that p.o.s has more access to the dog.
Very very disturbing!!!!!! We have no idea how this poor helpless dog is doing or if he’s even alive !!!!!!!!! If this POS abused this poor dog once, he will do it again!!!!!!!! So heartbreaking!!!!!!! I really hope this poor dog is saved very soon and given all the love he so deserves!!!!!!!!
Citizens need to hold your feet to the fire to prosecute a criminal when there is plenty of evidence available???? Whether you find and punish or not, it will be an insufficient repercussion for abusing this innocent and helpless animal. I wish the dog had attacked him and escaped.
No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime.
LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
This pathological monster must be found and severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near animals in future.
SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
MAX JAIL for this scumbag!
That’s not a man. That looks like mental health patient wearing a dress. Maybe if they would put their mental health patients in a facility whee they belong, crap lke this would not be happening.
Yes, a serious look through area homeless camps will take you straight to this mess of a person and whatever is left of that poor dog he likely stole. We have a problem with that in the PNW. Homeless people who have mental and drug issues are showing up with lost pets and have been seen taking them out of people’s yards. We report it, nothing happens. This guy should be in jail.
And yes, I know this is Australia, not America, but it stil applies. He isn’t well and needs to be off the street, jail would be a great place for him
I don’t think this guy is any different than the thousands that think animals don’t deserve the same protection as humans. I feel differently. If the punishment was the same as a human there would be a man hunt on for this abuser. All creatures deserve the same protection as humans! I’ve stolen animals that were being neglected. I’ve stood in traffic to protect a animal that was hit by a vehicle. I’m my way of thinking the punishment should fit the crime. This guy if caught should be strangled and beaten the same way he the treated this dog…. Justice!
Ss pessoas que viram o animal a ser espancado porque é que não fizeram nada? Deviam ter impedido essa besta de continuar a agredir o animal e chamavam a polícia no momento. Esse gajo devia levar uma carga de porrada e ir preso. Claro que o animal deve ser-lhe retirado e ele deve ficar impedido de ter animais para sempre.
Strangle and beat this guy, so he feels the terror
Agree all comments do the same to him then put him on a ants nest. Justice now what’s wrong with people and laws . Judges are morons letting people get away with this eye for a eye. Need to deal with these bastards. Ban owning or going near animals for life . If anyone sees him beat the fuck out off him.
Well done ‘eye witnesses’!
Once again a bunch of eye witnesses stood around and watched instead of grouping together and confronting the sob and saving the dog.
Well, in these cases if the dog reacts and bites he is punished, or maybe put down. It’s our fault. In these cases the idiot should be put down.
WHY didn’t anyone confront this abuser??!!?? Please say this dog is okay!!! Next time say something right away!!! Now this creep is lose out there. Probably wasn’t even his dog. Poor dog!!
OMG, this poor precious dog must be rescued ASAP!!!!! Find that evil abuser and make him pay!!!!
If and when they get this POS, he’ll get a fine and the poor dog will be dead. Shame on all the people who didn’t lift a finger to help. I’m an old lady, and I would have tried to intervene in some way.
I’m really beginning to hate the human race.
If the authorities ever manage to catch this human excrement, he will probably get a bleeding-heart lawyer (financed by the State) who will plead “mental instability” or “drug addiction” or “he is autistic” or “his parents maltreated him when he was a child” or some other pathetic excuse – like his excuses (read: lies) exonerate his actions – because it isn’t his fault (it never is, you see). And then he will be found “not guilty” and will be released to continue abusing animals. And possibly breeding more of himself through his sperm. God help any children he breeds from himself.
Kill the bastard,POS,SOB,coward,burn in hell,motherfucker. Find him!
Justice for this dog!
Please find this jerk, remove the poor dog from his care and place him in a foster home asap! Jail time and caning for animal cruelty!!!
I hope they will find that evil scumbag soon! This poor dog must be brought in safety ASAP!!!! That evil man belongs in hell, find him and hang him by his balls!!!