Demand Justice for Monkeys Apparently Tortured in Online Abuse Ring

Target: Victoria Prentis, Attorney General for England and Wales

Goal: Punish those involved in alleged monkey torture scandal to prevent further animal cruelty.

Monkeys reportedly suffered extreme torture in a disturbing online ring; a Brit known as The Immolator, Holly LeGresley, has apparently admitted her involvement. Shockingly, this alleged abuse was financially motivated, with participants paying for the cruel acts. LeGresley’s case highlights severe breaches of animal welfare laws, and her actions—distributing numerous torture videos and images—have sparked outrage. Allegedly, this online group facilitated the torture of monkeys, including methods as horrific as setting the animals on fire and blending them alive.

Further details from the investigation appear to reveal a network that encouraged this brutality, involving transactions to fund these atrocities. Adriana Orme, another UK resident, is accused of uploading torture content and making payments to support this cruel operation. The court proceedings have brought to light the extensive scale of this alleged network, emphasizing the urgent need for stringent legal measures. Their actions, coupled with the global spread of this group, seem to illustrate a disturbing trend of animal cruelty for entertainment and profit.

The severity of these allegations demands immediate and decisive action to ensure justice and deter future acts of animal torture. Legal authorities must respond robustly to these serious accusations to protect animals from such inhuman treatment. Set a precedent that such cruelty will not be tolerated and that all involved face the full extent of the law.


Dear Attorney General Victoria Prentis,

We urgently request your intervention in the case of the reported monkey torture ring involving UK residents Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme, among others. It is alleged that these individuals participated in or facilitated the torture and killing of monkeys for entertainment and profit, an act of profound cruelty and a blatant violation of animal welfare laws. The details of this case, as brought forward by the investigations and court proceedings, reveal a chilling disregard for life and a sophisticated network profiting from such barbarity.

The evidence presented in court, including numerous videos and images of monkey torture shared within these groups, highlights the need for a strong legal response. Holly LeGresley has admitted to her role, while Adriana Orme remains accused of similar involvement. The fact that these actions were part of a larger international operation only adds to the urgency for comprehensive legal action against all individuals connected to these heinous crimes.

We implore you to pursue the maximum legal penalties for those involved and to ensure that all legal avenues are explored to prevent such atrocities in the future. The public relies on your office to uphold justice, particularly in cases involving defenseless animals subjected to such extreme abuse. We ask for swift and firm action to reflect the severity of these alleged crimes and to serve as a deterrent to similar acts.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Kenny Milton Freeland


  1. I feel someone wanting to harm and kill animals needs ti feel what that is like. These perps do these terrible things which cause unforgettable pain and yet they are not subject to any pain at all. Some people don’t learn. Experience is the best teacher. Sadly.

    • Agreed! Violent psychos can’t be ‘fixed’.

    • In response to t:
      There are people who have brain abnormalities often the brain does not develop or develop properly; It isn’t usually caught as either people only see others as “peculiar or odd,”or they don’t pay for medical tests to find brain issues. Lack of money and medical resources are a factor in not testing or evaluating people for brain problems. Some people are just born bad or evil and can’t be fixed, as they are incapable of feeling or experiencing pain or process pain as “pleasure.” Nature vs. nurture also plays a part in people and their development. Children who are abused sometimes grow up to be conditioned abusers themselves or become apathetic to being further abused as adults, often tolerating abuse to family and animals. Once again the connection to animal abuse often leading to child and domestic violence abuse. Take example the couple in the other petition- she admitted that crushing cats and kittens with her feet didn’t satisfy her sexual cravings addiction and that she was thinking about torturing “a child” with her boyfriend next time. Thank God that her and him were caught and denied bail and facing additional charges. People need punishment that fits the crime, and this monkey and animal torture calls for strict prosecution, imprisonment, and human torture if applicable.

  2. Lesley Rodgers says:

    In the 1960’s when I was young this would NEVER have happened, because people were kinder in the UK and there was NO INTERNET! These two cruel evil bitches deserve to be executed in the same method as they used on these poor monkeys. Monkeys are sentient creatures, very intelligent. Imagine how they must have suffered before death. Shocking! Those responsible must be put away for a very long time, and I hope their identities are publicised so that everyone knows what they have done, then maybe there will eventually be some justice.

    • Sounds good to me!

    • Carolita McGee says:

      I couldn’t agree more!!!

    • These two low lifes are dangerous women who don’t belong in society. Due justice would include their demise being executed in the exact same manner as the techniques they used on the monkeys. OMG, I’d hate to face the hell they have awaiting them on the other side.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      With all due respect this shit happened. The only thing is you never saw it. Today, you see this sick shit on all social media. That is why i am not on social media sites. Starting with Facebook and what made me get off of it after 5 minths. Real sick shit cruelty ibsaw involving puppies.

    • I think that you are spot on Lesley, but there’s one point that gets forgotten … the internet also shares what is going on and happening in the world, the good thing is that we hear about things that we would NEVER hear about before and hear about it more often, so we are able to act faster and on a larger scale. I am also a child of the ‘60’s and the good part of the internet is that knowledge and information travels faster and farther, they didn’t put much or hardly any animal abuse on the tv nightly news back in the day, speaking from the U.S. point of view that is. They didn’t call Great Britain medieval for nothing! The Middle Ages were brutal and animal humanity was the furthest thing from anyone’s minds as they were struggling just to keep themselves, their families, and friends from being tortured and killed !!!

  3. Cheryl K Santiago says:

    I’m not sure who’s worse, the tortures or the sickos that pay to watch these disgusting acts. I believe not only should the abusers be thrown in jail for many years but so to should every person who paid be tracked down & do jail time for keeping this nasty “business” going. All should then be institutionalized fir life, none should be let loose in society ever again.

  4. Aprille Gilmore says:

    Jail time. Lengthy jail sentence, or why bother. If the UK can’t punish this kind of thing, and dole out REAL punishment, no one can. I hope law enforcement also pursues internet users who participated.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      Not going to happen. Did you not hear what law enforcement said about cat beheadings in U.K.? It was done by a fox. Anyone with half a brain knows it is a pos human. And pos is still out there.

  5. Chris Peysson says:

    Justice for all animal life that suffers unspeakable horror from sub-human cruelness

  6. Carol Pearce says:

    Do these sic f—–s EVER get punished. Lots of Petitions BUT are these savages let off the hook?

  7. Dolores Proubasta says:

    I would like Holly LeGresley and all animal abusers to hang from their ankles until dead. That failing, the beginning of a consequence to their vile actions would be to print their photos instead of the representative photo of the victim.

  8. Wendy Morrison says:


  9. These are some sick twisted f***ers. No place in this world for people like this. They just take up space. Just have them disappear, no one will care or miss them. Hell awaits their arrival.


    WTH IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??!! Do unto them what they did to the monkeys!!

  11. Patricia Lopes says:

    Some “people” don’t deserve to breathe… I’m disgusted.
    I ask you to pursue the maximum legal penalties to all monsters involved in this…

  12. Someone eliminate her! There is no place for someone like that in this world.

  13. Everybody goes down for these disgusting cruel torture rings! Those getting the animals those recording the torturing and those paying to watch the suffering of these poor innocent animals! Every person involved from start to finish seriously needs theirs heads examined this is not normal behavior to enjoy watching any animal suffer such painful agonizing cruelty until death is sick and they need to seriously have their heads examined they should be checked into a psych ward and not be allowed to roam free in society!

  14. How do you even respond to something this horrific? The depths of depravity involved, in both the abusers, those who helped facilitate the crimes & the sick, twisted individuals who are entertained by watching…is almost unfathomable. I’m not convinced that any of these “people” are capable of being rehabilitated, their acts are too egregious. The courts won’t execute them, but they could commit them to a maximum security facility for the criminally insane. I hate for taxpayers to fund these monsters for the duration of their useless lives, but there is some solace in knowing they would never be allowed to live among the rest of us, ever again.

  15. I am horrified that this abuse has taken place in the UK. Make the punishmentfit the crime – whatever thry did to these poor monkeys do to them, including putting parts of them in a blender!

  16. We can and must do better!

  17. Maria Lavorato says:


    EVIL SPAWNS Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme and ALL those who participated in any way shape or form should all be blended alive and set on fire. JAIL TIME IS TOO KIND!


    Dear little monkeys I am so sad for what you endured. God’s helping hand from hear forward………

  18. Urszula Lund says:

    No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime.
    LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
    Tormenting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    These pathological monsters must be severely punished. They must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for these scumbags! NO EXCUSE!

  19. Pamela Chattergoon says:

    I would love to meet these folks and spend some time with them in a torture chamber

  20. Kelly Kramer says:

    Hoping some brave Brit takes these cunts out!

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