Diamond Needs Justice: Pit Bull Euthanized Due to Alleged Starvation

Target: Gordon Edgar, Douglas County Prosecutor, Washington

Goal: Prosecute and secure justice for the alleged severe neglect and mistreatment of Diamond.

Reports recently surfaced detailing the tragic demise of a pit bull mix named Diamond, who was euthanized after being found in a severe state of alleged neglect and starvation. The heartbreaking condition of Diamond, with multiple infected wounds and terminal starvation, sparked outcry for justice and accountability. Allegedly, the owner, Kendra Dawkins, failed to provide necessary care, highlighting a disturbing case of suspected animal mistreatment.

Further investigation into Diamond’s condition revealed no signs of poisoning as initially suspected by Dawkins, seemingly contrary to her claims to the Nebraska Humane Society. Instead, the autopsy report indicated that Diamond suffered from multiple untreated injuries and evident malnutrition. This situation reportedly reflects a grave lapse in responsible pet ownership and care.

The need for stringent legal repercussions in cases of animal neglect is paramount. This petition calls for the Douglas County Prosecutor to take decisive action, ensuring that justice is served for Diamond. Deter future instances of animal cruelty and foster a community respectful of animal welfare.


Dear Prosecutor Gordon Edgar,

We, the undersigned, urge you to take immediate action in the case of Diamond, a pit bull mix who suffered profoundly from alleged severe neglect and starvation. The details of this case, as reported, paint a harrowing picture of suffering that demands a strong legal response. We call upon your office to pursue this case vigorously, ensuring that justice is served and that this apparent neglect does not go unpunished.

Diamond’s condition at the time of rescue, described by veterinarians, was dire and should have been apparent to any caregiver. The lack of poison found in Diamond’s system contradicts the initial claims of poisoning, pointing instead to a prolonged period of suspected neglect and mistreatment. It is essential that this case be treated with the seriousness it warrants, reflecting the community’s commitment to animal welfare.

In closing, we demand that all legal avenues be explored and that appropriate charges be brought against those responsible for Diamond’s suffering. This case not only involves the alleged mistreatment of an innocent animal but also highlights the broader issues of animal welfare and the responsibilities of pet ownership. We trust in your commitment to justice and look forward to seeing your actions reflect this trust.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Boys in Bristol Photography


  1. Why? Why are we here over and over again! There’s always a solution for an animal you don’t want period no excuses starvation is one of the worst ways to suffer to slowly die and those wounds what brutal acts were done to her? Animal welfare/cruelty laws must be made stronger no loop holes no gray area whatsoever you abuse torture kill an animal it’s over for you you get locked up in solitary confinement doing hard time given bread and water bye bye!

  2. There’s NO Punishment!!!!
    Animals Will Continue To Be Tortured, Raped, Killed For Fun & Disgusting Neglect Leading To Death! Wake The Fuck Up Judges…. Do Your Job! Serious Punishment (Long Stints In Prison) Is A Great Start To Detering & Stopping This Out Of Control Evil, Unimaginable Pain & Suffering Inflicted On Animals In All Of Society! Enough Is Enough!

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1088 Signatures

  • Carolyn Swan
  • Celana Bingham
  • Richard E Cooley
  • Juli Kring
  • Christina Viljoen
  • Ally Sourasky
  • Alexandra Gierlachowski
  • Joanne Drummond
  • baptiste auzou
  • Heather Neilly
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