Mother Dog and Puppies Tied Up and Abandoned in Rainstorm Deserve Justice

Target: Charlie McConalogue, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland

Goal: Enforce stringent legal consequences for those responsible for abandoning a mother dog and her puppies.

An appalling situation unfolded as a German shepherd cross, and her seven three-week-old puppies were discovered tied to a gate, left without food or shelter amidst harsh weather conditions. Their abandonment, a heart-wrenching sight, was cruelly timed during a heavy downpour, putting their lives at serious risk. Shockingly, the mother dog was restrained so tightly she could barely move, let alone care for her puppies, which lay drenched and shivering beside her.

A passerby discovered the situation and promptly alerted the West Cork Animal Welfare Group. This quick response likely saved their lives, as the puppies desperately needed warmth and nourishment. The volunteer’s report highlighted the severity of the mother’s condition—malnourished to the point of losing hair and unable to produce milk due to prolonged starvation and stress. It became evident that this act of neglect had been part of a longer history of abuse. These animals were exposed to immediate danger and endured prolonged suffering.

This case underscores the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal welfare laws and harsher penalties for those found guilty of such neglect and cruelty. We demand that authorities investigate this heartbreaking incident diligently and ensure that the individuals responsible face legal repercussions. Do not tolerate such disregard for the well-being and dignity of animals.


Dear Minister Charlie McConalogue,

We urge you to take immediate and decisive action regarding the distressing case of a mother dog and her puppies who were reportedly abandoned in a state of severe neglect. The German shepherd cross, named Zelda, and her puppies were found in a deplorable condition—tied to a gate without shelter, soaked in the rain, and left to suffer in the cold. The mother dog was tied so tightly that she risked serious injury just trying to reach her puppies.

This case is not merely one of abandonment but of sustained cruelty and neglect. The mother dog’s severe malnutrition and her inability to nurse her puppies highlight a history of abuse that demands legal scrutiny. The puppies, too, were in critical condition, requiring immediate intervention to survive. The details of this case have stirred considerable public outrage and a strong call for justice from the community.

We call on you to prosecute those responsible for this act of cruelty to the fullest extent of the law. Our legal system must send a clear message: animal cruelty is a serious crime that will be met with serious consequences. By doing so, we can hope to deter future incidents and ensure that animals like Zelda and her puppies are the last to suffer such indignities.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Untitled


  1. What EVIL humans would do. Remember Your day will come.
    And will be Worse😡👍🏼

  2. I thought Ireland had a higher state of animal care but I guess not. It seems the whole world is disgusting these days. Humans don’t deserve earth as most humans don’t share with animals, wildlife, or other humans. What has happened to us? Can this be undone? Probably not. The earth was beautiful but it isn’t anymore and every living being on earth is suffering due to human greed. Animals should survive but the human species may become extinct.

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  • Juli Kring
  • Ally Sourasky
  • Stephanie Sanders
  • Barrie Westendorf Pieters
  • Lynette Ridder
  • Heather Neilly
  • Esther Juhl
  • Christina Viljoen
  • Eleonora Haas
  • Linda M Waine
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