Justice for Frozen Dead Puppies Apparently Fed to Pet Snakes

Target: Joshua Pond, District Attorney of Columbia County, Portland, Oregon

Goal: Prosecute the alleged perpetrator for the distressing treatment of 18 puppies.

A heinous discovery in Goble, Oregon, has sparked widespread dismay and calls for justice. Eighteen dead frozen puppies were reportedly retrieved from a local residence, leading to an ongoing investigation by authorities. The unsettling situation came to light following allegations that the homeowner was feeding these frozen dead puppies to their pet snakes, a claim that, if true, illustrates a grotesque disregard for animal welfare.

Upon recovery, the puppies were transported to the Oregon Humane Society’s Animal Crimes Forensic Center in Portland. Here, specialists in forensic veterinary medicine are meticulously examining the evidence to ascertain the circumstances leading to this grim scenario. This examination aims to provide unequivocal proof to facilitate legal proceedings against those responsible for this reportedly callous act. The involvement of specialized veterinarians underscores the gravity of the situation and the necessity for a thorough and informed legal response.

The existence of such a crime not only reveals an apparent act of cruelty towards innocent animals but also signals potential broader issues of violence within the home. As investigations proceed, it is paramount that justice is served not only to deter similar acts in the future but also to uphold societal norms that protect the vulnerable. Ensure that the individuals allegedly responsible for this appalling act are held accountable and face the full extent of the law.


Dear District Attorney Joshua Pond,

The reported discovery of 18 dead frozen puppies in Goble, Oregon, represents a deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty that demands your immediate attention. These innocent animals, reportedly used as food for pet snakes, deserve justice, and the person or persons responsible for such alleged actions must be held accountable. The Oregon Humane Society has undertaken the critical task of examining the puppies to provide clear, convincing evidence needed to support legal action.

This case not only speaks to an apparent act of cruelty but also raises concerns about the presence of further violence within the home. History and evidence suggest that violence against animals often correlates with violence against humans, making it imperative that we act swiftly and decisively. The examination by forensic veterinarians is a pivotal step in understanding the full scope of this tragedy and ensuring that it serves as a basis for prosecution.

We urge you to prioritize this case and employ the evidence gathered by the Oregon Humane Society to prosecute the alleged perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law. Doing so will not only bring justice to the victims but will also send a clear message that such acts of cruelty will not be tolerated in our community. The protection of the most vulnerable, be they animal or human, must be a paramount concern, and through your actions, we can take a significant step towards a more just and compassionate society.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Columbia County Sheriff’s Office


  1. Hope they get killed in prison!

  2. Maria Lavorato says:

    ..and the breeder needs to be shut down and must be charged as well with extreme animal cruelty!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and 18 is probably not the real total. PSYCHOS!!! They all need to pay!!!!! so utterly sad…..

  3. Chris Peysson says:

    Justice for these puppies, and all animals that suffer at the hands of sub-human scum

  4. Agree all comments feed this fucker to the snakes kill him. Justice now. No excuse.

  5. Humane Warrior says:

    😱 OMG !! M f’ing awfull !!! Please prosecute this sick mother f’ckr SOB to the absolute fullest extent of the law and then some ! 😠 😡 😢 😭 Also investigate please if this foul demon was live-streaming over the web for income. Take this demented perp and lock them in a deep freeze and allow hungry Snakes to devour them live, then place the snakes in a nice safe warm environment.

    • Not only should dogs be spared from being fed to snakes, but all animals (including rodents, rabbits, chickens, etc.) should be exempt from being snake food!

  6. Urszula Lund says:

    FEED this human scum to the snakes or hungry crocodiles.
    Snakes are not pets, but wild animals who belong to the jungle. This monster should be forbidden from owning animals ever again!
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  7. Throw the book at this creep – and after you throw the book at him, lock him up and never let him out among civilized people.
    Ideally, he should be fed to a Burmese python in the Everglades.

    This is why snakes are not meant to be PETS – they have their place and purpose in nature, but this is the kind of sick shit that happens whan some asshole keeps and breeds them.
    Humanity is devolving faster than it is evolving.

  8. So many monsters disguised as human! Don’t deserve to breathe.

  9. Post his name!!! I would rather him dead than in jail

  10. This is disgusting. Also note that many snake owners feed their snakes mice and stray kittens.

  11. SHERRIE HUNT says:

    This is Outrageous! These poor puppies! We are SICK AND TIRED of Leniency given to animal abusers. SICK AND TIRED! WE WANT JUSTICE!! JAILTIME!!!

  12. This is horrible and beyond disgusting! The nasty person who did this needs to spend a very long time in jail. Poor little puppies 😢

  13. This animal abuse really ANGERS ME!! Make the evil abuser suffer in the worst way possible.

  14. Miriam A. Cohen says:

    the last thing all we friends of animals need to hear is that puppies were fed to snakes, and which snakes are cold blooded creatures while canines are warm blooded mammals like humans and which human society has had a family relationship with dogs for thousands (maybe millions) of years. i imagine the people who fed these puppies to the snakes are sadistic, ill, and warped.
    i have heard of a male school teacher in the united states who fed a LIVE handicapped puppy to a “snapping turtle” in front of a class of young teens. i don’t want those teens to grow up into society and hurt people on the street and laugh because their hearts, minds, and souls, were disintegrated by witnessing an obscene act.

  15. Rotten Filthy Trash like these EVIL scum of the earth should be tortured to death… problem solved!
    I pray authorities saved this poor snake housed in a filthy small tank & the mother dog(s) of these poor little babies.
    We live in a FUCKED UP CRUEL WORLD!

  16. Feed this piece of shit limb by limb to his pet snakes thus ensuring he won’t be able to do it again!

  17. Carmen guedes says:

    Why we can’t have his name? Why such consideration to this monster? 👿 it’s not allegedly anymore the puppies where fund on this scumbag possession wasn’t it? Piss me off his all community should know what kind of nice neighbour the have😡😤😖☠️💀

  18. Strip the evil monsters of their human rights and make them endure the exact same torture!
    Send the monsters back to hell where they belong!!! Prison is NOT a punishment that is equal to this heinious act of animal cruelty!!!

  19. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Now what snakes eat frozen dead animals? Rather feed the snakes’ owners to the snakes – at least the snakes will have the opportunity to eat something alive – which is what they do in their natural habitat. And it will simultaneously rid the world of a couple of sadistic humans. It’s a win-win situation.

  20. +RIP poor puppies, justice!

    Death penalty for bastard killers,SOB,cowards,burn in hell, motherfuckers!

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