Safeguard Banned Dog Breeds From Alleged Exploitation

Target: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

Goal: Implement stringent measures to protect banned dog breeds from alleged exploitation and enforce responsible ownership.

In recent developments, an unsettling scenario has emerged concerning the treatment and regulatory management of certain dog breeds deemed ferocious by authorities. A directive from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying in India has called for an immediate ban on the import, sale, and breeding of 25 specific dog breeds. This decision, driven by reports of aggressive incidents, underscores a pressing need for comprehensive welfare measures.

The breeds in question, including the Pitbull Terrier, Rottweiler, and others, have reportedly faced mismanagement and exploitation. Allegations have arisen of these animals being used for illegal activities, highlighting a broader issue of animal welfare neglect. PETA’s involvement, through a writ petition, has spotlighted the urgent requirement for protective measures against the alleged misuse of these breeds in unlawful dog fights and breeding practices.

It is crucial to address the root of this issue by enforcing existing regulations and introducing new measures to safeguard the welfare of these animals. These actions should aim to prevent future instances of alleged misuse. Ensure the humane treatment and care of currently owned dogs within these categories.


Dear PM Modi,

We, the undersigned, urge you to consider the gravity of the situation regarding the alleged exploitation and mismanagement of certain dog breeds deemed dangerous. The recent ban, while a step toward addressing aggressive incidents, does not fully encapsulate the need for comprehensive animal welfare reforms. Allegations of these breeds being used for illicit activities, such as dog fights and unregulated breeding, underscore an urgent call for action.

It is imperative to implement stringent measures that go beyond the current ban. This includes enforcing the Dog Breeding and Marketing Rules 2017 and the Pet Shop Rules 2018 more effectively, to curb illegal breeding and selling practices. Moreover, it is vital to ensure that existing dogs of these breeds are not only kept under proper licenses but are also provided with humane care and protection against exploitation.

We demand immediate action to safeguard these animals’ welfare and to promote responsible ownership among citizens. This should encompass not only regulatory enforcement but also awareness campaigns to educate the public on the humane treatment of all dog breeds. By taking these steps, we can work towards a compassionate and safe environment for both humans and animals alike.


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Photo credit: Stacy

One Comment

  1. Sherry Akridge says:

    The breed of a dog is NOT the problem. It is a human problem.

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