Justice for Dogs Rescued from Alleged Dog-Fighting Ring

Target: Raymond S. Santiago, Monmouth County Prosecutor, New Jersey, USA

Goal: Ensure severe penalties for individuals implicated in the reported Neptune dog-fighting operation.

The appalling discovery of eight dogs allegedly trapped within a cruel dog-fighting operation in Neptune, New Jersey, requires immediate and unwavering action. A collaborative effort by the Monmouth County SPCA and local law enforcement led to the unearthing of this heinous activity. Alleged evidence pinpointed a professional ring, a scenario that speaks volumes about the scale and brutality of the operation.

Further details disclosed by the investigation paint a grim picture of the dogs’ existence, suggesting they were subjected to extreme conditions, trained to fight, and possibly endure unimaginable pain for entertainment. These dogs, now in the care of the MCSPCA, are on a long road to recovery, requiring medical treatment and rehabilitation, hinting at the severity of their prior plight. This situation not only evokes a deep sense of outrage but also a call for justice to prevent such cruelty.

The alleged negligence and cruelty must not go unpunished. This petition demands that the Monmouth County Prosecutor pursue all available legal avenues to ensure the perpetrators face significant penalties. Such actions are crucial in deterring similar offenses, demonstrating society’s intolerance for animal cruelty, and protecting vulnerable creatures from such fates. Advocate for the strictest legal consequences for those behind this operation.


Dear Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago,

I am writing to express profound concern and urge immediate action regarding the alleged dog-fighting operation uncovered in Neptune, New Jersey. Rescuing eight dogs from such reportedly deplorable conditions by the Monmouth County SPCA and local law enforcement highlights a severe issue within our community that demands stringent legal intervention.

The details emerging from this case are deeply disturbing, suggesting the dogs were allegedly subjected to a level of cruelty that is difficult to comprehend. This operation, reportedly professional in its execution, seemingly represents not just a violation of animal rights but a blight on our societal values. The individuals allegedly responsible for this barbaric activity must face consequences commensurate with the severity of their actions to serve both as punishment and a deterrent to others.

I urge you to apply the fullest extent of the law in prosecuting those implicated in this case. Our legal system must send a clear message: animal cruelty will not be tolerated. Ensuring that the alleged perpetrators receive significant penalties gives you the power to affirm our community’s commitment to justice and compassion. Let this case serve as an example of our collective resolve to protect the most vulnerable among us and uphold the principles of humanity and decency.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Yuvarajcr7


  1. Lori Stearns says:

    Why wouldn’t I sign!

  2. Why are these fighting operations able to continue? Jersey has a slew of them. It’s against the law but they continue? Where are our laws, our police, our justice system? It’s easy to pick on a little guy who are Mr and MRS Everyday America. But when laws are really broken but not enforced who’s problem is that? Society is forced to live with this filth living among us? We pay taxes for police departments and legal proceedings to be held but it is all without enforcement. The law has no gonads! We either live under social laws or not. Which is it? Jersey is a hot bed for this type of crime. End it!

  3. Alice Knight says:

    Perhaps all people involved need to be re-acquainted with being a kind human.

  4. Teresa Zamalloa says:

    Dear Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago,
    And I quote:
    ‘Ensuring that the alleged perpetrators receive significant penalties gives you the power to affirm our community’s commitment to justice and compassion’.

    THERE SHOULD BE STRICTER LAWS FOR ‘ANIMAL ABUSERS’ as this goes on almost every ‘single day’ … what about 5 years minimum, plus a 5,OOO dollar fine? – not JUST a ‘slap’ on the wrist

  5. Dog fighters are the excrement of the world!! They need to be treated the way they treat the poor, innocent dogs. Heavy fines, prison time, not being allowed to go near a dog for the rest of their miserable, worthless lives.

  6. Bloody human beings. We are pathetic creatures.
    Look what we do to the dogs dogfighting
    Roosters cockfighting
    Bulls bull fighting
    The law says no, but who gives a rats ass it’s still continues so shame on the laws of our country countries

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  • Karin Schmitz
  • Luciana Abrantes
  • Katharina Beckord
  • Audrey Arbogast
  • Dagmar Anders
  • Gemma Smith
  • mauricio carvajal
  • Laura de Oliveira
  • Claudia Solorzano
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