Woman Accused of Disemboweling Animals Online for ‘Likes’ Must be Punished

Target: Jack Stollsteimer, District Attorney of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, US

Goal: Enforce the fullest legal action against the individual responsible for the alleged torture and killing of animals for online entertainment.

The internet was shocked by a harrowing discovery. A Pennsylvanian woman allegedly engaged in the torture and killing of various animals, broadcasting these atrocities online for views. This deeply disturbing case, reportedly involving chickens, rabbits, frogs, and pigeons, came to light through the investigative efforts of PETA and the Upper Darby Police Department. Alleged acts of scalding, disemboweling, and mutilating live animals were captured in videos on YouTube, where the accused had garnered over 20,000 subscribers.

Further investigation revealed that at least four videos showcased the allegedly brutal harm of these animals. The accused, Anigar Monsee, is believed to be the person shown in these videos apparently performing acts of slow, agonizing torture on defenseless creatures. She is currently facing animal cruelty charges, with a substantial bond and an upcoming preliminary hearing. The allegedly graphic nature of these videos, described in a criminal complaint, points to a disturbing pattern of behavior. These reported revelations have sparked outrage and a demand for justice, raising serious questions about the oversight of content on social media platforms.

This petition aims to ensure that these reprehensible acts do not go unpunished. Demand that the responsible authorities take the most stringent legal measures possible against Monsee, if she is found guilty. This case must set a precedent to deter such appalling behavior in the future and to send a clear message that a civilized society will not tolerate cruelty against animals.


Dear District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer,

The recent case involving Anigar Monsee, accused of torturing and killing animals for online content, has shocked our community and the wider public. This allegedly appalling situation demands your immediate attention and action. The graphic and disturbing nature of the alleged crimes, as described in the criminal complaint, indicates a gross violation of animal rights and public decency. We urge you to consider the heinousness of these alleged acts when prosecuting this case.

These alleged crimes are not just acts of animal cruelty; they represent a deeply troubling mindset that finds entertainment in the suffering of living creatures. It is imperative that our legal system responds with the appropriate severity to such acts of barbarity. The videos, allegedly showing live animals being scalded, disemboweled, and mutilated, have caused widespread revulsion and a call for justice. We implore you to use your authority to ensure that this case does not merely end with a token punishment but serves as an example of our society’s intolerance for such brutality.

We, therefore, request that you pursue the highest possible charges against Monsee and seek the maximum penalty allowed by law. This action would not only serve justice in this particular case but also demonstrate our collective commitment to protecting the most vulnerable among us. We trust that you will act in the best interests of justice and public morality.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Hang this evil cunt whore in public & set it on fire!
    Is the the only way she can get male attention??
    Just open your legs you evil inbreed slut!!

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10928 Signatures

  • Teresa Barquet
  • D Lynn
  • Paula M
  • Paula M
  • Audrey Dasse Taieb
  • Emma Spurgin Hussey
  • Russell Tidy
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Kelly Morgan
  • Don Dudan
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