Target: Julie Collins, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia
Goal: Ensure legal consequences for those allegedly responsible for forcing circus animals to perform in dangerous heat conditions.
In blistering 40-degree Celsius temperatures, a circus in Australia reportedly compelled animals to perform for entertainment. This disturbing scenario, described on social media by an influencer, highlights a grave concern for animal welfare. According to the posts, attendees, including children, experienced extreme discomfort due to the heat, raising serious questions about the conditions endured by the performing animals.
Further details reveal that horses were among the animals seemingly forced to perform under these harsh conditions. The influencer’s Instagram stories, shared with thousands of followers, unwittingly shed light on the plight of these animals. While the influencer faced criticism, the focus of this petition is the broader issue of animal cruelty in entertainment settings, particularly under such extreme weather conditions. This situation raises alarming questions about the oversight and welfare standards in such entertainment venues.
The necessity for immediate action cannot be overstated. Animals, unlike humans, cannot voice their distress or opt out of such unbearable conditions. Urge for the implementation of stricter regulations and legal consequences for entities that subject animals to such cruelty. We must ensure the protection and humane treatment of all animals, especially those used for entertainment purposes.
Dear Minister Collins,
I am writing to bring to your attention a deeply concerning issue involving animal cruelty in entertainment settings, specifically in circuses. Recently, an influencer reported on social media that animals were forced to perform in a circus tent with temperatures soaring to around 40 degrees Celsius. This incident, while shared inadvertently, has brought to light the distressing conditions under which these animals are made to perform.
In these extreme temperatures, while humans can express discomfort and have the freedom to leave, these animals remain voiceless and trapped in their plight. The specific incident allegedly involving horses performing in such sweltering conditions is particularly distressing. It is a stark reminder of the often overlooked or ignored suffering of animals in the entertainment industry. This situation is not just about a single event or individual but reflects a broader and deeply rooted issue in how we treat animals used for entertainment.
Therefore, I implore you to take immediate action. We need stringent laws and regulations that protect animals from such cruel treatment. It is our moral obligation to ensure that animals are not subjected to inhumane conditions for the sake of entertainment. I urge you to implement legal measures to penalize and prevent such cruelty and to set a precedent that animal welfare is a priority in our society.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: DirkJan Ranzijn
The circus should release animals from circumstances which cause suffering and for money being made by forcing animals to perform. People want money and don’t care if the animals are tortured and die, or suffer daily, just as long as the circus makes their bottom line. Many circuses have stopped using animals which is an excellent idea. Please consider doing so.
This is urgent for any powers that be to do something soon!!🙏
If we have advanced into space age,Teslas,artificial intelligence etc how come we are stuck in STONE AGE zoos and 🎪 circuses????? It’s the goddamn $$$$$$ that rules !!! Shame shame
And politicians have nooooo darn balls !!!
so agree, boycott all fairs / circus with live animal content. If you support, you are supporting CRUELTY. Greedy so-called humans who run these fairs / circuses.
The fact that animals are still being abused in circuses in Australia is disturbing, I thought they would’ve moved beyond using live animals for someone’s fun day out. Or at least have some laws that protect animals from this kind of abuse. Guess civilized behavior takes a while to catch on.
What is the reason Australia is continuing to entertain people at the expense of animals? Please stop using and abusing animals for the sake of human pleasure.
Elephants are intelligent gentle loving family oriented animals! Stop making your money off the suffering of these shackled imprisoned animals! You should be ashamed of yourselves to force any animal to perform under excruciating conditions is sick! You should have your license revoked never again to own exotics or any other animal again to profit off of! You should be heavily fined and forced to take care of these animals for the rest of their lives after you have paid to move them to safe Sanctuaries to live out the rest of their lives the way God intended you will also take your profits to pay for feeding them and pay for veterinary care! Leave wild animals in the wild you have no right to steal these animals from their homes and their families period!
Animals deserve to be threated with respect!!! Humans have no right to abuse them ! Humans are certainly NOT better then animals.
People stop attending and funding circuses. They are an unnecessary form of entertainment, unless you support animal cruelty? STOP GOING!!!! Do not pay for this crap!! Animals deserve better than to be mistreated and to perform stupid tricks for your entertainment.
Your preaching to the choir here. Go onto Facebook or other social media to spread the word. The people who sign this petition already don’t go to circuses or any other venue that uses animals.
Circus animals need to be banned PERIOD!!!! We all know they’re treated inhumanely and for what?? For the sole purpose of profit (GREED) and our entertainment!! THEY DO NOT BELONG IN CAPTIVITY!!!!!
Is there nothing humans will do to earn a quick buck – including animal abuse? They should have gone out with the Victorians and the abomination called the “British Empire”. Animal circuses should be banned – FOREVER.
Who in god’s name goes to circuses anymore?
A incredible abuse of animals.
My suggestion all circus goers must give their children up for a few hours to perform in a circus and all that goes with it!
There is no excuse for subjecting any animal to this kind of inhumane treatment. I wish people would not attend these types of “entertainment.”
Shame on all of you stop torturing animals for money this is so wrong on every level and you know it when people are having heat issues you know these animals are too and because of your greed You deserve to lose your license period! Shut down these horrific circuses they beat animals use bull hooks to get elephants to comply force them to live in cramped cages on cement floors with horrible diets nothing like their native land!
Unbelievable.Who the hell in their right mind is watching this.Its cruelty should not be tolerated
Barbaric and outdated “entertainment” that should be banned internationally. If spectators knew the cruelty implemented to perform these acts, they would shred their tickets on the spot. No fun for the animals and nothing more than sadistic dominance. These creatures have lost their wildlife, their habitat, their dignity, their lives far too often and grotesquely for solipsistic human needs. Please rethink your values and patronize compassion.Ty.
Dismember all circuses & set all animals free! No animal deserves to work that hard for free & they don’t even have the choice of they want to.
Murray Watt, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Animal Welfare, Australia
Why is Australia still continuing to have animal circuses?
This is animal cruelty! …..don’t tell me you can’t see the pain in the faces of each and every animal! NO ONE SHOULD EVER BENEFIT FROM ANY ANIMAL’S SUFFERING! ….IN ANY KIND OF WEATHER!!!!!!!
Any one who attends these pathetic, disgraceful shows is also as guilty!!!!
Circuses should be banned from using animals. They are not ours to use as entertainment!!
People should stop going to these animal torture called a circus
Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls
The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents
Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD
And the universe weeps tears of blood
Your life as theirs, as their death