Justice for Dogs Who Allegedly Race Under Extreme Conditions

Target: Kate Brown, Chief Crown Prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) South East, UK

Goal: Punish those responsible for alleged greyhound abuse and ensure animal welfare laws are enforced.

Greyhound racing, a sport cloaked in controversy, faces severe allegations of mistreatment. CHDT, a group advocating for greyhounds, reports distressing conditions at Coral Brighton and Hove Greyhound Stadium. Dogs allegedly endure malnutrition, dental neglect, and race under extreme conditions. Their fate, if injured, is reportedly grim. These allegations paint a stark picture of an industry in need of urgent reform.

Further details reveal more troubling aspects. CHDT claims that legal requirements for racetrack facilities include storage for deceased dogs, suggesting a disturbing frequency of fatalities. Allegations describe tracks designed in a way that heightens injury risk. Testimonies from former kennel workers corroborate these claims, adding weight to the accusations. The industry’s breeding practices allegedly result in overpopulation and subsequent culling, with unverified reports of mass graves.

This petition demands legal scrutiny and enforcement of animal welfare laws at Coral Greyhound Stadium and similar facilities. Their alleged practices not only violate animal rights but also undermine public trust in the industry. An investigation into these claims and appropriate legal action against any confirmed malpractices are essential. Accountability must be ensured for the alleged suffering of these animals.


Dear Kate Brown,

We write to you disturbed by allegations of gross mistreatment of greyhounds in the racing industry at Coral Brighton and Hove Greyhound Stadium. Reports from CHDT suggest these animals suffer from neglect, with insufficient nutrition and dental care, and face heightened risks of injury and death due to the track’s design. Allegedly, when these animals no longer serve their purpose, their fate is even more tragic.

The depth of these allegations, supported by testimonies from industry insiders, requires immediate attention. The reported existence of facilities for storing deceased animals on-site suggests a dark reality behind the sport. The industry’s breeding practices, allegedly leading to an unsustainable population and subsequent culling, paint a picture of systemic neglect and cruelty.

We urge you to investigate these allegations thoroughly and take appropriate legal action against any confirmed wrongdoing. The laws protecting animal welfare must be enforced rigorously. These greyhounds deserve justice, and those responsible for any proven abuse must be held accountable. We trust in your commitment to justice and animal welfare and look forward to seeing appropriate measures taken in response to these disturbing allegations.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: 97mm

One Comment

  1. Jaime Perez says:

    Greyhound racing needs to be banned and outlawed. The welfare of the dogs is of no concern to the greedy owners. All they want is profit. These poor dogs suffer too much.

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