Justice for Dog Reportedly Sexually Assaulted by Man in Public

Target: Dave Aronberg, District Attorney of Palm Beach County, Florida

Goal: Prosecute the individual allegedly responsible for the appalling act against the dog, ensuring justice and preventing future harm.

Shocking allegations from Palm Beach County describe a disturbing incident involving a dog, named Baby D, and a local man. According to reports, the man engaged in an indecent and perverse act with the animal in a public space. Witnesses described the scene as deeply unsettling, prompting urgent intervention by authorities. This case not only shocks the conscience but also raises serious concerns about animal welfare and public decency.

Further details from the court filings paint a harrowing picture. Allegedly, the man was seen committing an act of bestiality in broad daylight. A witness, present with her daughter, stumbled upon this distressing scene, prompting her to alert the authorities. Her testimony, along with the immediate response by Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control, highlights the severity of the situation. The dog, now safe in the custody of Animal Care, was reportedly in a vulnerable and compromised state.

The gravity of these allegations demands a strong legal response. Animals, defenseless and reliant on human kindness, deserve protection from such abhorrent acts. Immediate and thorough legal action against the individual allegedly responsible is needed. Prosecution to the fullest extent of the law is not just a call for justice for Baby D, but a necessary step to safeguard other animals and the community from similar atrocities.


Dear District Attorney Dave Aronberg,

I write to you deeply troubled by the recent incident allegedly involving a local man and a defenseless dog named Baby D. As reported, this man committed a heinous and indecent act with the animal in a public area. Such allegations, if true, reflect a disturbing disregard for animal welfare and societal norms. I urge your office to take swift and decisive action in this case.

The detailed account provided by a witness, who was with her young daughter at the time, brings to light the severity and public nature of this alleged crime. This incident has not only traumatized those who reportedly witnessed it but also raised alarm about the safety of animals in our community. Baby D’s welfare and the public’s moral sensibilities have been grossly violated. It is imperative that our legal system responds robustly to such acts to prevent future occurrences and to maintain public trust in our justice system.

In light of these distressing allegations, I respectfully demand that your office pursue this case with the utmost seriousness. Prosecute the individual allegedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. Doing so will send a clear message that such behavior is intolerable and will be met with severe legal consequences. It is our collective duty to protect the innocent and voiceless, ensuring such acts do not go unpunished.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Mohan Nannapaneni


  1. Why is it so impossible to get decent animal protection laws?
    Crap like this person get nothing for the evil they do. Humans are the garbage species of this planet. Time for them to go extinct.
    Til then, vigilante groups need to be formed to take care of this scum – kidnap and castrate, preferably with a rusty machete.

    • Irene Leggett says:

      Totally agree….

    • Linda Wagner says:

      Hear, hear!!!

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Stephanie Selznick says:

      I agree these people shouldn’t be allowed to breath.

    • Because republican people don’t give a shit about animals. Remember Christie Noam? They do t even care about kids or women getting raped, so why would they care about an animal being abused like that? I say god should destroy this stupid world and start over. Or just don’t make any more people. They suck. Or dont give them free will

    • Carol Brandt says:

      I’ve been advocating for street justice for years! Either 1) laws are lax 2) police do nothing 3) prosecutors won’t bring the case or 4) judges give light sentences, if any. 😡

  2. This is absolutely unacceptable. Lock this perverted mental deranged trash up for life. This is barbaric, sickening. This poor dog needs justice.

  3. There are just no words to describe this complete asshole of a person – seriously who would do this to an animal – you are one f*cking piece of shit and deserve death – you are a total waste of skin to the earth – there are just too many of you idiots that only think about your perverted selves. Sick f*cking piece of garbage.

    • Agree with you, make the punishment fit the crime. Worthless piece of garbage, hope karma catches up quickly and he gets the punishment he deserves.

  4. Não há ninguém que corte a pila a esse porco nojento? As pessoas ficam chocadas mas não fazem nada. Esse porco não merece viver e é perigoso para animais e também para as pessoas. Acabem com esse tipo de gente.

    • Elizabeth Bona says:

      This mentally deranged bastard is very dangerous to be walking amongst us. There’s something clearly wrong with this piece of shit. Throw away the key or execute him.

  5. Death penalty for bastard abuser,sick bastard,burn in hell!
    Justice for Baby D!

  6. Irene Leggett says:

    Its time the justice system grew a backbone and started to give PROPER punishments to ALL animal abusers, with NO excuses allowed. For sex offenders, make sure they are castrated as their next victim may be your child or a vulnerable person. Start allowing vigilante groups to hunt done these animal abusers.

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      New legislation needs to be created and put into strict laws to protect animals and put people who engage in bestiality behind bars forever!! Castrate the creeps that fuck animals and put them in prison!!

  7. What’s the guys name? Why write about these atrocities but leave out key details????????

    • Mary Helen Barletti says:

      The information was available online. His name is Steven Toth. The woman witness screamed when she saw him penetrate the dog and he fell in the bushes with his pants around his legs.

      • Elizabeth Bona says:

        I’d have booted him in the face and if there was no law, like there isn’t for these evil bastards, I’d kill him myself.

  8. Cindy Pisarcik says:

    This sick BASTARD needs to be put out of his misery and our population !!!!!!!!!!

    Law enforcement DO YOUR JOB !!!!! you guys don’t belong in law enforcement unless you do your job !!!!!!! Take care of these bastards in your own way if others won’t do it !!!!

    Justice needs to be done for this innocent dog !!!!! Send this sick bastard to prison and let him have sexual acts with some buddies in there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Agree all comments cut his dick and balls off. Sick fucker. Let him die slow painful death.

  10. FIRST .. chop off his pecker & his balls. Then stick his sick ass in prison. Make sure all the inmates know what he did.

  11. It would serve him right if the dog had worms…. get well sweet furbaby, I’m sorry you were hurt but subhuman slime…..

  12. Dave – Please do the job you were hired to do and prosecute this sick POS to the fullest extent allowed under Florida law. Enough is enough…

  13. Dear All, Just for information, I have sent the following message to the Editor of this website:

    Dear Editor,

    For years now you are reporting this type of filthy incidents and you ask us to sign or to make our comment.

    My question to you is ‘since you know who did this, what have you done to bring justice to the animals you always mention?’

    I look forward to hearing from you.



  14. First a dog then a child – castrate the bastard

  15. Dr. Dagmar Görz-Lenzen says:

    Throw this perverse terrorist into jail, where rather bad men stay, who have to lose nothing, but love and adore animals. they will teach this degenerate lowlife his one and only lesson. Nature, what failures are you spitting out?

  16. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment

  17. Becky Beck says:

    Another “bobit case!!!! Seems fitting for this ass wipe!!!

  18. Stephanie Geyser says:

    There is only 1 solution – CASTRATION of the offender. If he isn’t castrated now, he will move onto raping a child. And probably behind closed doors, where he can’t be seen and caught.

  19. Reading this makes me wish that beastiality carried the death sentence. No long jury trials, only immediate death. Done.

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