Cats and Pregnant Dog With 8 Unborn Puppies Allegedly Poisoned by Nurse Deserve Justice

Target: Brian Haas, District Attorney of Polk County, Florida

Goal: Prosecute and seek maximum penalty for the individual allegedly responsible for the heartbreaking poisoning of two cats and a pregnant Chihuahua.

In a harrowing incident in Lakeland, Florida, a community reels from an appalling act of animal cruelty. Reportedly, two beloved cats named Luna and Pancake, and Daisy, a pregnant Chihuahua, were poisoned. The alleged perpetrator, a nurse, should face stringent legal repercussions. The deaths of these innocent animals, particularly the pregnant Chihuahua carrying eight unborn pups, are not only deeply saddening but also raise serious concerns about public safety and animal welfare.

The circumstances surrounding this tragedy are as disturbing as they are heart-wrenching. Authorities claim the animals suffered immensely, with signs of choking and foaming at the mouth. The suspect, identified as a licensed practical nurse, allegedly threatened to poison animals entering her yard, according to the pet owners. This blatant disregard for life, if true, is abhorrent. Furthermore, investigators reportedly found evidence suggesting premeditated poisoning, a detail that makes this case even more distressing.

Justice for these innocent animals is not only a moral imperative but a societal necessity. The alleged actions, if proven, reflect a dangerous lack of empathy and respect for life. A forceful response is essential to send a clear message that the community will not tolerate such heinous acts of cruelty against defenseless animals. Demand that the District Attorney of Polk County pursue the highest possible charges and penalties in this case.


Dear Attorney Brian Haas,

The recent incident in Lakeland involving the alleged poisoning of two cats and a pregnant Chihuahua has shocked and saddened our community. This cruel act, reportedly committed by a healthcare professional, demands your immediate attention and action. The alleged heinous nature of this crime, involving defenseless animals, calls for a strong legal response.

The details of this case, as reported by the authorities, paint a grim picture of suffering and malice. The animals’ symptoms suggest they endured severe pain before succumbing to the poison. The alleged use of a toxic substance in a residential area not only took innocent lives but also posed a significant risk to the neighborhood. This alarming reported behavior warrants a full legal response to ensure justice for the victims and to prevent future acts of cruelty.

We urge you to prosecute this case with the utmost seriousness it deserves. The individual allegedly responsible for this cruelty must face the full extent of the law. Such actions, if proven, should not go unpunished. Our community looks to your office to uphold justice and protect the most vulnerable among us, including our beloved pets.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Luz


  1. Jaime Perez says:

    What is wrong this horrid witch?! She could have shooed the animals out of her yard, she didn’t have to cold bloodedly murder them. Pull her nursing license and fire her.

    • Agreed!

    • Elizabeth Bona says:

      I want the same to happen to her as what she did to those poor animals. We know that isn’t gonna happen so they should give her the maximum and stop her nursing as she likes killing so maybe she likes making people suffer in her job.

    • She is a monster. She should be poisoned in small doses, so she’ll remain sick and see how they felt.

  2. Wendy Morrison says:


    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  3. Kathleen A Norton says:

    This twat should not be around people, children or animals, what a shitty excuse for a human being!

    • That “nurse”should lose her medical license as well .If she’s going to murder animals she definitely will do it to humans too !!!!

  4. Being she’s a nurse which is scary for starters she obviously knew the severity the cruelty of poisoning it’s the most horrible way for an animal to die a slow agonizing excruciatingly painful death all because the animals were in her yard are you kidding me! The owner of these animals should’ve been ticketed but to deliberately cause an animal to suffer such a sick twisted horrific painful death is cause for a life long prison sentence with the worst of the worse spending her time in a small cell under solitary confinement! “Rest in Peace”🙏💞🦋

  5. Karen ellis says:

    What is so inhuman ànd cruel

  6. Florida has the death penalty. Fry this cunt or a lethal injection.

    • Absolutely!!!!! I believe in an eye for an eye!!! She should be poisoned and die a slow agonizing death like the animals did. If they were my pets, I’d be in jail!!! This bitch needs to lose her license for starters!!!

  7. Dr. Dagmar Görz-Lenzen says:

    Throw this vile, evil terrorist into jail for the rest of her g*dd*mn life. This ticking bomb is dangerous and has to be separated from society. Max be, that her next victim will be a crying baby. Send her to jail, where rather bad men stay, who have to lose nothing, but love and adore animals. they will teach this uneducated piece of female human meat (without heart and soul!) an important lesson!

    • Indeed, doctor. It’s been documented that some people that wantonly murder animals go on to murder people.

  8. Mariangela Canzi says:

    This cruel nurse must be held accountable for the harm and pain she caused to these innocent Pets. They aren’t objects, they are sentient beings and family members. She should be charged with animal cruelty and sent to jail.

  9. Gaylan Flottemesch says:

    Just skin the bitch alive and I eat her and skin her kids alive

  10. Julia Edinger says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE…. Dr. Dagmar Görz-Lenzen
    “Throw this vile, evil terrorist into jail for the rest of her g*dd*mn life. This ticking bomb is dangerous and has to be separated from society. Max be, that her next victim will be a crying baby. Send her to jail, where rather bad men stay, who have to lose nothing, but love and adore animals. they will teach this uneducated piece of female human meat (without heart and soul!) an important lesson!“!!!

  11. Stephanie Geyser says:

    The nurse is probably just honing her skills on animals, so (in the future) she can commit the “perfect crime” on children or sick people in her care. Sadists and murderers ALWAYS start with animals, to perfect their killing “skills” before they move onto killing humans. Or is the DA perhaps waiting for her to kill a human, before taking action?

  12. Melinda Maddox says:

    I live about 20 minutes from Lakeland, Florida and this is the most disgusting thing. I’ve heard about this area and a good minute. This so-called nurse needs to be put in jail. Who’s next Children just because they happen to be in her yard is a sick bitch.

  13. Prosecute to the max. Doesn’t say if this was a male or female nurse but if the name is published somewhere, contact the FL dept health and the nursing board with this cruelty as well as the nurses employer . Very important authorities follow thru with charges and prosecute. Justice needs to be served for these innocent animals .

  14. The BITCH needs to be poisoned and die.

  15. goh maria says:

    Strip this pretentious and vile bitch’s license so that she can never attend to another living being especially animals again! She is clearly a killer not a healer, reveal her name to shame her and send her to jail!

  16. Next time will it be a child playing ball that causes annoyance and results in murder? A psychiatric evaluation and a very long custodial sentence with no chance of parole in a psychiatric facility for dangerous people would be the right thing for public safety.

  17. Strip that evil monster of its human rights and make it endure the exact same torture!!! That’s justice!!! Prison is NOT a punishment that is equal to this heinious murderous act of animal cruelty and terrorism!!!! Send this spawn of Satan back to hell where it belongs!!!

  18. This is a nurse? This is a gigantic red flag that she does not have any business taking care of any person or animal. She is a danger & hopefully her employer will take this seriously. This was also NOT her first incident of being in trouble!!

  19. Death penalty for this bitch,coward!
    Justice for animals, +RIP

  20. What is wrong with people? RIP, poor things.

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