Puppies Reportedly Found in Ziploc Bags in Dumpster Deserve Justice

Target: State Attorney Susan Lopez, Hillsborough County, Florida

Goal: Ensure strict legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for the cruel treatment of puppies found in a Tampa dumpster.

A deeply disturbing incident allegedly occurred in Tampa, involving three puppies and a dumpster on North Clark Street. A witness reportedly discovered these puppies, barely clinging to life, with at least two sealed inside Ziploc bags. This horrific discovery paints a bleak picture of animal cruelty and disregard for life.

Further investigation led to the arrest of Angela Giudice-Burris, age 44, based on surveillance footage. Tampa Police reportedly linked her vehicle to the scene. Charged with aggravated cruelty to animals, Giudice-Burris’s actions have sparked outrage and sorrow. The puppies, taken to the local Humane Society, tragically did not survive. This incident, highlighted by the Tampa Police Chief Lee Bercaw as intolerable, underscores the urgent need for justice and accountability.

The alleged cruelty in this case is not just an act against animals but a violation of societal values. Animals, defenseless and innocent, rely on human kindness and protection. The law must firmly respond to such alleged atrocities. Demand that State Attorney Lopez takes decisive, stringent legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for this act of cruelty, ensuring that such acts are met with the full force of justice.


Dear State Attorney Lopez,

We write to you deeply troubled by the alleged incident in Tampa, where three puppies were reportedly found in a state of near death inside a dumpster. This case, involving the alleged cruel treatment of defenseless animals, demands your immediate and unwavering attention. The details, particularly of puppies allegedly found in Ziploc bags, are not only shocking but also represent a heinous disregard for life and welfare.

This case, overseen by the Tampa Police and leading to the arrest of Angela Giudice-Burris, requires a stern legal response. Such alleged acts of cruelty betray basic human decency and should be met with the strictest legal repercussions. The judicial system must serve as a deterrent to such alleged acts of brutality against animals.

We, therefore, urge you to pursue this case with the utmost seriousness. Ensure that if these allegations are proven, the individual responsible faces appropriate legal consequences. This action will serve as a testament to our society’s commitment to justice and compassion for all living beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: pxhere


  1. Sherry Akridge says:

    The puppies died! She gets to walk out on a two thousand dollar bond! She is a psychopath, a devil. A two thousand dollar bond for this kind of EVIL! ZIPLOC BAGS!! She does not deserve to breathe.

    • Janice M Washienko says:

      I agree with you, this POS needs to not take up anymore oxygen! She could have taken them to any shelter.

    • Elaine Smith says:

      Agree, she needs a ziploc necklace ..

      • Marlene De-Abel says:

        Just saw her photo – has that same moronic look that they have. And it turns out she had two other dogs but thankfully they have been removed from this scumbag.

    • Naomi Paula Lichtner says:

      Yep. And she will do it again. She just us to shrug off the “paperwork”

      These babies were forced to leave everything, literally, they had.

      So sick of this. Just came from another case where it was kittens.

      Monster only learn by what they understand: pain.

      Fly free sweet angels 💔💔😭😭🌈🐾

  2. Siham Hajjar says:

    To go to that extent to get rid of puppies is disgusting. Just drop them off at a shelter. Why would anyone do this, I don’t understand.

  3. Cindy Miller says:

    Dumbass, take them to a shelter where they have a chance at finding a loving home with people who will love & take care of them. Throw her in the ocean & let the sharks have the bitch!

  4. Victoria Olson says:

    NAZI Governor DeSantis threw elected official Andrew Warren a year ago because the Governor disagreed with what he said about abortion. Warren is one of the good guys. I have no idea who the new one is. You need to find out who the new one is & direct the petitions to him. They throw Warrens mail in the garbage.

    • UncommonSensesc says:

      You realize the subject is the evil killing of puppies, don’t you? Stay focused, please!

      • Joyce Evans says:

        She is focused on getting the petition to the correct person, and she is correct that Warren was thrown out of office by DeSantis.

  5. Gilda Provenzano says:

    And DeSATAN has nothing to say about Florida being number one state in murders of gays and trans people. Google Walter Lay and you will understand.

  6. What good is signing a petition to someone that will never receive it though? I appreciate the information so the target person can be updated.
    I think we just put her in a giant sealed GARBAGE bag & throw her out like the f@cking trash she is!🤬🖕🏻

  7. Sandra Weber says:

    How could this psychopath be released on a measly $2000 bond! She did not care one iota about the suffering she inflicted on the puppies. If she doesn’t get the maximum punishment there is no justice!!

  8. The petition needs to be routed to SUSAN LOPEZ instead. She is the current state attorney for the 113th district, Hillsborough county, FL

  9. Carol Pearce says:

    Yes, wrap her in a garbage bag, stick her in the lowest of jails and let her rot. Evil S.O.B. SCUM

  10. The State of Fla needs to get off their lazy butts and pass a law that has some serious teeth in it to deal with shit heads people like this person like Burris.

  11. Ιf those bastards are found…..

  12. sharrudyk@shaw.ca says:


  13. Urszula Lund says:

    No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims, and also has a dehumanizing effect on our society.
    This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! She must also be forbidden from coming near/owning animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  14. No regard for life of innocent sentient beings. What a sick stupid ass of a human. Throw her sorry ass in jail with a hefty fine that’s after wrapping her head in a plastic bag to feel what these puppies were feeling.

  15. Florida again. Worst State in the Union and the WORST people reside there!

  16. Debra Goldstein-Lustig says:


  17. Kill this shibag motherfucker!!! RIP poor puppies!!!

  18. No one bothers to take unwanted puppies to a shelter as it is out of their way and uses up their valuable time. This woman needs to pay 100 times more in fines for the deaths of these puppies. Two thousand dollars is nothing but 100 times that amount would bring her to her knees! Florida is a jerk state. They don’t care if you kill everything and everyone but remember to vote for the GOP …. again! If people are not treated just the way they treated their victims this will go on forever. If we hurt them the way they hurt their victims it will stop. No one wants to feel so much pain but they don’t mind giving the same pain to others. Some people are scum. This woman is one of them!

  19. Patricia Williams says:

    I saw nothing about the mother dog. Take Mom away from this Nut case so she’s not pregnant again. You can see this coming, a slap on the wrist… bleh.

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