Justice for Kitten Allegedly Abused With Harmful Chemicals

Target: Mike Schmidt, District Attorney of Multnomah County, Oregon

Goal: Prosecute the individual responsible for the alleged cruel and inhumane treatment of a helpless kitten to ensure justice and prevent future harm.

In Portland, a shocking incident involving a kitten has sparked widespread outrage. Allegedly, Elizabeth Zurcher-Wood subjected a kitten to harmful chemicals, resulting in severe physical distress. The kitten, dyed hot pink, was brought to DoveLewis Animal Hospital in dire condition. Veterinarians noted symptoms of shock, hypothermia, and hypoglycemia, indicative of grave mistreatment. This appalling situation demands immediate attention and legal action.

Further disturbing details emerged in court documents and police reports. Zurcher-Wood reportedly used household cleaners like Windex and rubbing alcohol on the kitten, oblivious to their toxicity. Later, police discovered the kitten with apparent burn marks, along with a chihuahua, under her care. These alleged acts of negligence and cruelty highlight the urgent need for intervention. It’s not only a matter of animal welfare but also of public responsibility and ethical conduct.

This case underscores the necessity of strict legal consequences for those who allegedly mistreat animals. The community’s moral fabric is at stake when such incidents are not adequately addressed. Urge swift and decisive legal action against the alleged perpetrator.


Dear District Attorney Mike Schmidt,

I write to you concerning the deeply disturbing case involving a kitten allegedly subjected to severe mistreatment by Elizabeth Zurcher-Wood. Reports from DoveLewis Animal Hospital revealed the kitten’s critical condition, raising serious concerns about the animal’s welfare. The alleged use of household cleaners causing physical harm to the kitten is particularly troubling. These actions, if true, represent a blatant disregard for the well-being of a defenseless animal.

Furthermore, the discovery of the kitten with possible burn marks adds to the gravity of this situation. This alleged act of cruelty cannot be overlooked or minimized. The implications of such behavior extend beyond animal welfare; they touch upon the values and ethics of our community. It is imperative that we uphold the standards of compassion and responsibility towards all living beings.

Therefore, I urge you to take decisive action in this case. The alleged actions warrant thorough investigation and, if substantiated, appropriate legal consequences. Our community looks to you for leadership in ensuring that justice is served, not only for the kitten but as a stand against animal cruelty. We must demonstrate our commitment to protecting the most vulnerable among us.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Niels Kliim


  1. Sandra Mason says:

    freaks like this go after people next… if something isn’t done about them, then the authorities who don’t bother, could find out their family member is the freaks next target.

  2. Alice Knight says:

    This individual needs to be given the harshest penalty for subjecting such brutal acts of violence on this kitten. Some people may not understand the passion many of us feel towards animals, but I believe there are ones who have a deep passion to aide people others to the aide of animals. We are potentially here to help every living soul no matter if it is an animal or person. What provoked this person to do these acts. She needs to find other productive activities as well perhaps a mental evaluation. Leave animals alone!

  3. Manitou Calm Storm says:

    Do the exact same thing to that loser as he did to that poor defenseless kitten. Just hang the slime sucking bastard!

  4. Jaime Perez says:

    Throw this ugly monster in jail for a very long time. She is a freak of nature who doesn’t belong in society.

  5. Sherry Akridge says:

    Elizabeth Zurcher-Wood was found guilty of one misdemeanor charge of animal abuse in the second degree in January 2024.
    That’s it. That is her sentence for torturing animals! There is NO JUSTICE for animal abuse. It is sickening what these animal abusers get away with every single day!

  6. jo alberson says:

    Elizabeth Zurcher-Wood you are a fucking idiot you deserve to be dye and these chemicals used on you to see how you would feel i pray that you suffer for doing this, prison is too good for you why because unless you end up in a cell with a animal’s lover you will not suffer enough. yes, there are some in prison that will take care of scum like you … I actually never use the word hate you I despise people like you ….

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