Justice for Monkey Reportedly Found Undergoing Extreme Physical Abuse

Target: Timothy M. O’Shea, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin

Goal: Impose harsher penalties for animal abuse, specifically in cases involving video documentation of such acts.

In a deeply disturbing case, Kenneth J. Herrera allegedly paid for a video depicting severe cruelty to a monkey. This gruesome act, reportedly involving explicit instructions for mistreatment, highlights a heinous disregard for animal welfare. It’s alarming to consider that someone would commission such brutality, let alone for the purpose of creating a video.

This video reportedly showcases a monkey undergoing extreme physical abuse, a shocking act of violence against a defenseless animal. The PACT Act, under which Herrera was convicted, aims to protect animals from such barbaric acts. Yet, the sentence of 12 months and a $5,000 fine seems insufficient for the gravity of this alleged crime. This brings into question whether current legal repercussions are adequate in deterring such abhorrent behavior.

This case underscores the need for more stringent penalties in cases of animal cruelty, especially when documented for distribution. Demand stricter legal action against individuals who engage in, commission, or distribute animal cruelty. The emotional and psychological impact of such acts extends beyond the animals; they signify a dangerous lack of empathy and can be indicative of broader antisocial behavior.


Dear U.S. Attorney Timothy M. O’Shea,

In light of the recent case involving Kenneth J. Herrera, I am compelled to express deep concern over the handling of animal cruelty, particularly in documented cases. Herrera’s actions, as described in court, allegedly involved the commissioning and distribution of a video showing severe abuse of a monkey. This act not only constitutes a grave injustice to the animal but also poses broader societal concerns.

The PACT Act was a significant step in addressing such issues, yet the sentence Herrera received – 12 months and a $5,000 fine – appears inadequate given the severity of the alleged crime. This leniency might not sufficiently deter future incidents of animal cruelty, particularly those documented for distribution. There’s a growing body of evidence linking animal cruelty to other forms of violence, making it imperative that such crimes are met with stringent legal repercussions.

Thus, I urge you to consider advocating for harsher penalties in cases of documented animal cruelty. This could serve as a stronger deterrent and reflect the severity of these acts. It is vital to send a clear message: cruelty to animals, especially when documented for distribution, is a serious crime and will be met with rigorous legal consequences.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: DSD


  1. What a disgusting, sick monster to want to see the abuse of an innocent monkey! This man is the filth of the earth and should spend the rest of his miserable life in jail. He deserves to be beat with a steel bat.

  2. Perverted, mentally inferior freak. This sadistic monster needs life behind bars.

  3. Bullshit 12 should have been 60 years in prison without parole

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