Justice for Innocent Cat Allegedly Shot Dead by Gunman

Target: D.A. Matt Weintraub, District Attorney of Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Goal: Ensure legal consequences for the individual allegedly responsible for the cruel shooting of Tootsie and Jackie.

In Falls Township, Pennsylvania, a harrowing event unfolded where two cats reportedly faced brutal acts of violence. Allegedly, Shawaun Lakins, identified by Bucks County SPCA (BCSPCA), shot these innocent animals. Tootsie, a white cat, tragically succumbed to her injuries, leaving a community in shock. The stark reality of this alleged cruelty highlights an urgent need for justice.

Further details depict a chilling scenario. Video evidence purportedly shows a man, believed to be Lakins, wearing a trench coat, concealing something. Sounds resembling gunshots were heard, followed by Tootsie and another cat, Jackie, fleeing in terror. Jackie, who survived, underwent surgery for a severely injured eye. These specific, disturbing details underscore the severity of the alleged offense.

This case underscores a broader issue: animal cruelty cannot go unpunished. For Tootsie, whose life ended abruptly, and for Jackie, whose world changed forever, justice is imperative. By demanding legal action against the alleged assailant, we honor their suffering and deter future cruelty. Therefore, we urge the District Attorney of Bucks County to pursue this case with the utmost diligence.


Dear District Attorney D.A. Matt Weintraub,

In your esteemed capacity, you bear a crucial responsibility to uphold justice, especially in cases of alleged animal cruelty. The incident in Falls Township, involving the alleged shooting of two cats by Shawaun Lakins, demands your attention. Tootsie, an innocent white cat, was killed, and Jackie, another cat, was severely injured. This act, as alleged, represents a heinous disregard for animal life and welfare.

Video evidence in this case purportedly captures the sound of gunshots and the immediate aftermath. The owner’s discovery of Tootsie’s lifeless body paints a heart-wrenching picture. Jackie’s subsequent surgery, necessitated by a damaged eye, further emphasizes the brutality of the event. These disturbing details are not just mere facts; they are testaments to the pain reportedly inflicted upon these animals.

In light of these allegations, we urge you to take decisive action. Legal repercussions for such acts of cruelty are essential to uphold the moral fabric of our society. By pursuing this case, you send a clear message: animal cruelty is a serious offense in Bucks County. We count on your commitment to justice to ensure that the alleged perpetrator faces appropriate consequences for their actions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Magalie L’Abbé


  1. Jill Greenberg says:

    What happened to all the comments on this heinous act?

  2. This is just another example of someone deciding to kill for no reason. This man killed one cat and the other will probably endure the loss of one eye. Why? Because he felt like it? He, and millions of others, carry a gun. This man would use it on anyone as long as someone doesn’t use it on him. A helpless animals is the only thing this coward would hurt, harm, and kill. At least make this man pay for the surgery and vet costs. Again, the law is too soft, judges easily manipulated, officials paid off to look the other way but someone had honor and caught this man. Now he faces the law which should force him to pay fines, medical fees, while the law puts leans on his property, car, bank accounts and home, and send him to prison for a very long time. He deserves no less! The public must protest that crime against animals, women and kids is not strict enough. The law needs to make this type of low life think twice before harming or killing an animal again. He also needs, by law, to never be around an animal for the rest of his life. He also doesn’t belong in society. He is a killing just waiting to happen.

  3. Carol Jane Brandt says:

    Praying for authorities who take this atrocity seriously. 🙏

  4. Jennifer Lockett says:

    Men are so violent. What’s wrong with them? Most world leaders are men and look at the chaos they have all brought. And continue to bring. It’s time to address the propensity for male violence and address this population of humans in need of transformation for the safety of us all. Senseless violence can be perpetrated by both sexes, but the majority is caused by human men, who are one of two species who kill and beat their own women. The other animals are chimpanzees. But no other species has males who are as vicious as humans.

  5. Jaime Perez says:

    Throw this no good pos in jail for a very long time. Get him out of society before he commits any more atrocious acts.

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