Dog Reportedly Bludgeoned With Shovel Because Neighbor Was ‘Tired’ Deserves Justice

Target: Debbie Housel, Assistant District Attorney General for Davidson County, TN

Goal: Prosecute suspect who reportedly confessed to bludgeoning dog to fullest extent.

Authorities in Tennessee took a call from a distressed woman who claimed to hear loud noises and the sounds of a pained dog outside her home. Upon arrival at the residence, officers received further tragic details. The woman’s son claimed that a neighbor had beaten the family’s pet dog to death with a shovel. The remains of the animal were found underneath a bucket. The suspect, Leangelo Ramey, then reportedly confessed. Ramey’s seeming defense for this alleged crime can be summed up in three words: he was tired.

He faces charges of aggravated animal cruelty. This disturbing incident quickly drew attention and even compelled the assistant district attorney to speak out about the rise in animal cruelty cases within the Nashville area. She has vowed to hold all animal abusers fully accountable.

Sign the petition below to ensure she keeps her promise in this case.


Dear Assistant District Attorney General Housel,

“It’s heartbreaking for everyone involved…It is prevalent and it’s shocking and it makes you sick, quite frankly.” You spoke the aforementioned words when discussing animal cruelty cases in Davidson County. You also drew a correlation between these crimes and other types of violence and reiterated a commitment to accountability and vigorous prosecution.

Please honor this pledge in the case of Deangelo Ramey, who allegedly bludgeoned a dog with a shovel simply because he was tired. Seek the maximum available penalty and secure justice for this innocent animal if the accused is found guilty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Simon Robben


  1. Jennifer Lockett says:

    He killed this dog because he was tired? No other problem solving skills? Like rehoming this dog instead of violently beating it to death with a shovel? What is wrong with men, that this is their go to response to stimulus they don’t like? Violence: the only way men know how to deal with their problems. Why can’t we address this nationally? Even globally? The Y chromosome is responsible for so much suffering.

    • Pamela Smith says:

      It’s not his dog to re-home!!!

    • It was the neigh who killed the dog. NOT his own family. Did you not get that???

    • Elise Tooley says:

      Couldn’t agree with you more, Jennifer. It’s so disgusting the way so many men treat animals. I hate hunting also, especially trophy hunting. If they need to kill something, they can do us all a favor and kill each other. Poor pup…no way to defend itself against such a violent…this man should be in prison for life!

  2. Sherry Akridge says:

    Put that psychopath away! Beating a dog to death with a shovel. This monster does NOT deserve to breathe, ever again. If this psychopath walks away unpunished, he will do this and much worse!

  3. Gilda Provenzano says:

    This was pos neighbor who did this. Again. KEEP YOUR DOGS AND CATS INSIDE.If you bring your dog outside on your property SIT THERE WITH THE DOG.

  4. Deborah Denaro says:

    Yea I’m tired too ……TIRED OF ANIMAL ABUSERS ! This POS doesn’t deserve to take another breath.

  5. Sharon Ralston says:

    Dit is a dreadful act of cruelty

  6. Paula Miller says:

    Couldn’t have been that tired if he found the energy to bludgeon that poor dog to death. Needs prison time.

  7. Urszula Lund says:

    No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims, and also has a dehumanizing effect on our society.
    This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near/owning  animals ever again. 
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law! DEATH PENALTY or MAX JAIL!!!

  8. Mariangela Canzi says:

    Poor little creature! I am so sorry for him and for his family. This cruel perpetrator MUST be punished to the fullest extent of the law. He MUST be jailed.

  9. Are you kidding me? what the hell is wrong with people to do something so horrific cruel and painful? That poor dog I can only hope died quickly hope the family can heal from this awful murder of their beloved family member 🙏

  10. Christine E Farrell says:

    Convict and sentence to the fullest extent of the law and never allow him to be near or own ANY animal.

  11. This guy should be dead. I don’t want him breathing the same air as me.

  12. If that was my pet, he better move to another state if he wants to keep his health

  13. Oh he was tired was he? Okay well I’m tired too. Tired of pieces of SHIT like this who do despicable things to innocent animals. So please..give me the fucking shovel so I can cave his head in with it. Please. Just give it to me! I would not think twice!

  14. The monster doesn’t deserve to live! The same favor to him!!!

  15. Tired? Let’s send him to prison where he’ll get no sleep. He deserves the same punishment she gave this dog

  16. I hope that scumbag gets it good. Put him away and hope the worst will get him.

  17. I am very tired today too having not slept all night but I most certainly would not beat a dog to death. Leangelo Ramey? Maybe.

  18. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Do the same back then jail for life….these humans are not to be left alone with ANY living being!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. The psychopath was ‘tired’ but somehow managed to muster enough strength to beat a dog to death?
    I swear – some humans need to be put down.

  20. Wendy Morrison says:


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