Pomeranian Reportedly Injured After Thrown from Second Floor Deserves Justice

Target: Dong Soo Lee, Prosecutor of the Seoul Northern District Court

Goal: Enforce stricter punishment for the individual responsible for the Pomeranian’s tragic injuries to set a precedent against animal cruelty.

In South Korea, a shocking incident has left a community rattled. A Pomeranian, an innocent animal, was allegedly thrown from the second floor of a building. This egregious act reportedly resulted in severe spinal and nervous system injuries, paralyzing the dog’s hind legs. Such a disturbing scenario highlights the need for a rigorous response to animal cruelty.

Further details reveal the gravity of this situation. Allegedly, the perpetrator, a man in his 30s, nonchalantly tossed the dog and returned home, as if discarding an inanimate object. This brazen disregard for life starkly contrasts with the witness’s compassion, who rushed the injured animal to receive emergency care. The court’s response, a fine, seems disproportionate to the alleged act’s cruelty, especially given the escalating animal abuse cases in South Korea.

The pressing need for justice in this case is clear. The reported act not only inflicted physical harm but also symbolized a disturbing lack of empathy and respect for life. Demand a revision of the sentence to include stricter punitive measures.


Dear Dong Soo Lee,

In light of the recent incident involving a Pomeranian in South Korea, it’s imperative to address the severity of this case. Reportedly, a man in his 30s committed a heinous act against an innocent animal, causing life-altering injuries. Such alleged cruelty cannot be overlooked or minimally punished if we are to uphold a standard of compassion and justice in our society.

The details of this case are particularly unsettling. Throwing a living, feeling being from a height is an act that showcases a disturbing level of apathy. The contrast between the alleged perpetrator’s actions and the witness’s immediate response to save the dog is stark. This incident is not just about one animal; it’s indicative of a broader issue of rising animal cruelty in the country. A more stringent response is necessary to prevent such acts from becoming normalized.

We urge you to reconsider the punishment handed out in this case. The current fine seems inadequate for the gravity of the alleged offense. We seek a sentence that not only addresses the harm done to this particular animal but also serves as a deterrent to potential future offenders. Our society must send a clear message that animal cruelty is unacceptable and will be met with serious legal consequences.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tiểu Bảo Trương


  1. Irene Leggett says:

    I rest my case, another gut-wrenchingly cruel, barbaric Asian country inhabited by psychotic, sadistic, evil pieces of human trash.

  2. Alice Knight says:

    This case of animal abuse needs to be re-evaluated. Who make up the court’s decision? I cannot believe this person was “fined” for his inhumane actions. Both court and perpetrator should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Jaime Perez says:

    This ugly monster deserves the same treatment. People can be so callous to the innocent. This person needs to be punished severely. Poor little dog didn’t deserve this.

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