Target: Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games (Publisher of Fortnite)
Goal: Do not let destructive special interests promote fossil fuel use within Fortnite game.
Young people, who will feel the greatest impact, are overwhelmingly concerned—and even alarmed—about the climate crisis. And powerful fossil fuel conglomerates are taking note, using the lure of social media and online gaming to deceive and sway youth to their side. Big Oil giant Shell is among the most active offenders.
In order to promote a new gasoline, Shell has launched an extensive online advertising campaign known as Ultimate Road Trips. The promotion includes an interactive component that the company has paid multiple popular gamers and social medial influencers to tout. Altogether, these personalities reach millions of young followers across platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch. Youth are also lured in by the promise of prizes that include gas cards and a pre-paid road trip. The promotion is reportedly incorporated into the gaming sensation Fortnite.
Sign the petition below to urge the individuals behind this game to stop efforts to use their creation as a form of greenwashing.
Dear Mr. Sweeney,
Many young people share two attributes: they love Fortnite, and they are terrified about how the climate crisis will upend their lives. The new Fortnite world entitled Shell Ultimate Road Trips (crafted by map creators) is a thinly-disguised attempt to convince kids that the fossils fuels driving the climate crisis really aren’t so bad after all. Manipulating children with the promise of free merchandise and fancy trips—while hand-waving their very real fears for the future—is no way for the Fortnite franchise to treat its most loyal consumers.
Please end this tainted partnership and help your fanbase create a better world in every way.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Higher Vibration