Justice for Dog Apparently Shot in the Face in His Own Yard

Target: Rachel Mitchell, Prosecutor for AZ Maricopa County Attorney’s Office

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and almost killing neighbor’s pet dog to fullest extent.

A family dog playing with a child in his yard was allegedly the victim of a heinous and unprovoked assault. The mother of the child reported that the boy came into the house frantic, saying that their puppy Falco had been shot. When the woman went outside, she was greeted by the shocking sight of Falco moving around the premises in distress, with blood and a swollen face. He showed signs of struggling to breathe. She took her pet immediately for aid. A veterinarian reportedly removed a bullet that had passed through the dog’s nasal area and lodged around his tongue. Although Falco is recovering, he apparently still has bullet fragments inside him and is unable to bark.

A neighbor, Matthew Patrick Wazny, has since been charged with the alleged shooting. According to reports, the man may have been angered after a different dog bit him earlier in the day and presumably shot at Falco from outside the family’s fence. He was also seemingly intoxicated at the time of the incident. The reported shooting is even more disturbing because the young child could have been injured as well.

Charges of animal cruelty have been filed. Sign the petition below to demand full accountability in this disturbing case.


Dear Prosecutor Mitchell,

“It could have been my son.” These were the words Hailey Hernandez delivered after her pet Siberian husky was allegedly shot in the face by Matthew Patrick Wazny. Given that her son was reportedly playing in the yard with their dog Falco at the time the alleged shooting happened, her fears are well-founded.

Although the child was spared, he was still likely traumatized watching as his pet was apparently shot for no reason. And the young animal himself will seemingly endure an agonizing recovery that may never bring him back to full health. Wazny needs to face serious repercussions if he is deemed guilty of this horrendous act.

Please seek the maximum possible penalty and show that the punishment fits the alleged crime.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lucas Andrade

One Comment

  1. Sherry Akridge says:

    That pathetic excuse for a human needs to be put away! Shooting a defenseless animal and traumatizing that poor child. That psychopath needs to be put away. He is crazy and will do crazy again! Put these disturbed monsters away! How many more animals have to suffer?

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