Man Who Spent 1 Hour in Jail for Apparently Shooting 5 Dogs Must Receive Real Punishment

Target: Drew Smith, Cleburne County Circuit Court Prosecutor

Goal: Ensure legal consequences for the individual accused of mercilessly shooting multiple dogs.

Shocking allegations have emerged from Greer’s Ferry, where an individual is accused of a horrific act of animal cruelty. Reportedly, several dogs were shot, and some succumbed to their injuries. This distressing news has stirred the local community and animal rights advocates, demanding justice for these innocent animals. Authorities, responding to these alarming reports, found evidence suggesting a deliberate and cruel act against these dogs. It is believed that multiple dogs fell victim to this brutality.

John Hunt, 62, was apprehended and held in jail for only one hour, following an investigation into these grave allegations. He faces five counts of animal cruelty. The investigation, prompted by reports of possible animal cruelty, revealed a harrowing scene: several dogs had apparently been shot, with some not surviving the ordeal. This incident has not only shocked the local community but also raised significant concerns about animal welfare and the need for stringent legal measures to prevent such atrocities.

The necessity for justice in this case cannot be overstated. These alleged acts of cruelty towards defenseless animals must be met with appropriate legal action. We demand that the Cleburne County Prosecutor’s Office take immediate and decisive steps to ensure that the accused faces the full extent of the law. This case is not just about punishing a crime; it’s about upholding our moral and ethical duty to protect those who cannot defend themselves.


Dear Drew Smith,

Recent events in Greer’s Ferry have brought to light a deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty. It is reported that several dogs were mercilessly shot, with some losing their lives in this brutal act. The community is reeling from this incident, and there is a strong call for justice. The suspect, John Hunt, is currently facing five counts of animal cruelty and was detained for one hour in the Cleburne County Jail. This case has highlighted the urgent need for a robust legal response to such heinous acts.

This alleged crime against defenseless animals is not only a violation of legal statutes but also an affront to our societal values. The details of the investigation, as they stand, paint a gruesome picture of what these animals endured. It is essential that these allegations are pursued with the utmost seriousness to ensure that such acts of cruelty are not tolerated. The emotional impact of this case on the community and animal lovers everywhere is profound, and there is a unanimous voice calling for justice.

In light of these allegations, we urge you to ensure that the accused, if found guilty, faces the appropriate legal consequences. It is imperative that this case serves as a deterrent to prevent future acts of animal cruelty. We trust in your commitment to justice and your ability to uphold the law in the face of such disturbing allegations.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Alexas Fotos


  1. Just sodomize this bastard.

  2. Low life piece of shit ……

  3. Low life piece of shit …

  4. Maria Lavorato says:

    The judicial system once again shows no spine. One of the main reasons animal cruelty is rampant!

    John Hunt murdered 5 dogs and gets an hour? That is beyond all comprehension. Murder 1 – 5 counts! Take all hims weapons away, he is a danger to society.

  5. Dolores Proubasta says:

    Is like the judicial system is in collusion with animal abusers. When will it sink in that those who torture, neglect, or kill nonhumans are a menace to everyone, including us “precious humans” who apparently are the only ones who shouldn’t be harmed. Domestic or wildlife … bah! do whatever you want to them and you’ll walk. How terribly mistaken this is: Taking lives, causing pain and anguish … those are capital crimes, regardless of the nature of the victim!

  6. Carol Pearce says:

    ONE hour in jail for taking the lives of three innocent dogs???? He probably got a good meal whilst he was there. He needs to be jailed for life – he is a threat not only to other animals but to his family and people around him. p.o.s. SCUM BASTARD

  7. Stephanie Geyser says:

    This piece of garbage is probably honing his skills to shoot people and children dead in the future. One hour in jail shows him that he can get away with it again and again. The sooner he is stopped and adequately punished (i.e. removed from society) the better for everyone.

  8. Melinda Shaw says:

    Greer’s Ferry. What else is expected of rube riddled Arkansas? The South is notorious for not caring what happens to its animals.

  9. Paula Long says:

    Boy, that judge must really hate animals!!! The shooter needs to be sentenced severely along with the cold hearted judge.

  10. Irene Leggett says:

    Make sure this vile, depraved POS gets a PROPER punishment as his next victims will possible be HUMANS as he is nothing but a psychotic, sick monster….

  11. Execute the POS

  12. Agree all comments, don’t waste taxpayers money just shoot this fucker but leave rmto die slow . We don’t want animal cruelty people in this world so get rid if him now. Eye for a eye.

  13. Absolutely unacceptable. All guns , weapons should be taken away from this maniac. He should never be allowed to own dogs or any animals for the rest of his rotten life. His name should be all over social media and known as the dog killer . He should serve jail time for this barbaric act.

  14. Wendy Morrison says:


  15. Avatar photo Torah Wolf says:

    Well you know, judgment starts at the pulpit and then it trickles down to the judges so I would hate to be a judge and worry what kind of judgment I’m going to get from God knowing I let criminals go in my authoritative position that would be pretty bad I wouldn’t want to be this judge… Who holds the power to do something and make an example out of this horrible person who thinks it’s okay to abuse and or kill God’s creations….. And what a lousy judge he is or she is why are they even in this profession? If you hate your job or you could care less about liberty and justice for all then I don’t know go drive for doordash or something.

  16. Personally, I’d like to have the death penalty for child abusers, rapists, murderers AND animal abusers.
    Animal abusers have proven time and time again that they are violent psychopaths who can’t be ‘fixed’. Why waste taxpayer dollars on keeping them alive? Euthanizing them would be a major benefit for society!

  17. Michelle Taylor says:

    This mentally deranged, dog killing scumbag must be exterminated.
    A slow and agonizing death of this evil cretin must be attended without delay!

  18. Agree 100% with all the comments. Shoot the piece of shit starting with his legs and arms and work inwards!

  19. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    I did some more digging on this story. I’m not sure but this guy may be part of the Hunt family in Cleburne County that owns the Star H Ranch in Cleburne County. They were given a Cleburne County Farm Family of the Year in 2013 so they probably have a lot of clout. If this is true, it’s the good ole boy system at its finest – you have an evil SOB that shoots and kills dogs but only spends 1 hour in jail because he, his dad, his brothers all know lawyers, judges, prosecutors, everyone who would ensure John Hunt didn’t spend much time in jail.


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