Cats Allegedly Abandoned and Starved to Death Deserve Justice

Target: Flynn D. Broady Jr., District Attorney for Cobb County, GA

Goal: Prosecute suspect accused of starving 30-plus cats to death to fullest extent.

Over 30 cats allegedly endured starvation and eventual cannibalism in a Georgia residence described by investigators as “uninhabitable.” Authorities discovered the deceased felines at the home of Tiffany Nicole Burley. They reported the following heartbreaking conditions: “the average cat was less than two inches thick, and the remains of the other cats were skeletal remains only, appearing as though they had been consumed by the stronger cats.”

Apparently, investigators were conducting a welfare check on the suspect when they found the shocking site. They initially could not locate the woman, who had reportedly not been at the residence for several months. Upon her apprehension, she was charged with multiple counts of animal abandonment and aggravated cruelty to animals.

She was placed in jail without bond, which signals the legal system is so far treating this case with the seriousness it deserves. Sign the petition below to ensure prosecutors follow through and secure justice for these innocent reported victims.


Dear DA Broady,

Imagine living for days, weeks, and even months with no access to food or water as your body slowly fails you. And imagine the only possible sustenance being the others that surround you who are enduring the same agony. This horrific fate allegedly befell more than 30 living beings at the home of Tiffany Nicole Burley.

As investigators said of the suspect, she could have reached out for help if she could not care for the dozens of cats at her residence. Instead, she allegedly abandoned them to starvation and a prolonged death for months. She needs to face full legal repercussions if she is found guilty of these allegations.

Please seek maximum charges in this highly disturbing case.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kate photo


  1. All who inflict pain and suffering on animals need to be held in jail without bond. Thank you for showing some accountability in this case. I hope she is judged by a court and must face the severity of her actions. Murder is murder! Animals feel pain thus this woman needs to be taken to a court of law and prosecuted for her criminal actions and murdering 30 innocent cats. There is no excuse for her actions!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Tiffany is a sadistic and depraved animal abuser. This was so deliberate and so horrifically cruel that even a lifetime behind bars is not enough. If she can do this she can do anything, including harm children and other defenseless people. Not being able to care for them means nothing, she had options, including calling for help, but she didn’t do that, she just left them to a painful and horrible death. She is scum.

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