Save Amazon Rainforest From Annihilation

Target: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil

Goal: Mitigate drought conditions and deforestation efforts that are endangering Amazon rainforest’s long-term health.

A record-breaking drought has imperiled one of the world’s most important ecosystems and carbon absorbers. Soaring temperatures and the absence of rain have shrunk rivers and shriveled precious foliage in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest. As a consequence, this vast expanse that’s the size of Europe cannot perform its vital roles as a soldier against global warming and a haven for diverse, vibrant plant and animal life.

Compounding the crisis is the ongoing exploitation and deforestation largely driven by corporate agricultural interests. Beef producers and grain traders continue with unrelenting land grabs that have razed the forest more with every passing day. Indigenous people who are most directly impacted by the Amazon’s accelerated decline have called on their government to stop the pillaging by big businesses and to declare a national emergency due to drought conditions.

Sign the petition below to support these moves that could bring needed actions and investments.


Dear President Lula,

Indigenous Brazilians have clearly outlined the consequences of the crises taking place in the Amazon rainforest. Hindered river transport, unsafe drinking water, withering forestry, and punishing drought are just a few of the effects laying waste to this vital global ecosystem. While the impact may be immediately felt in the forest and surrounding areas, make no mistake that the Amazon’s continued decline will hurt the entire nation and the entire planet.

A national emergency declaration for the prolonged drought would help gather the resources and expertise needed to combat these dangerous conditions. For the long-term, any action plan must include decisive steps to end the agriculture-driven deforestation that is depriving this ecosystem of its most vital assets. Please answer the calls of your people and of concerned citizens of the world to rescue the Amazon from an unacceptable fate.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Tom Fisk

One Comment

  1. Demetrios Lekkas says:

    The Amazon is the next Sahara. And the earth shall be breathing her last breaths before total devastation.

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1113 Signatures

  • Celana Bingham
  • jacci russ
  • J. David Scott
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Catherine Livingston
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
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