Target: Jo Haylen, Transport Minister for New South Wales, Australia
Goal: Enact changes and invest more fully in bus system plagued by problems and dangers.
The Australian system that serves nearly half of the nation’s public transportation consumers is failing citizens in a number of detrimental ways, according to a new report. The findings focus on deteriorating bus conditions in one of Australia’s biggest metropolitan areas. Driver shortages and badly lagging service times are two key problems. Shortfalls in investment for public buses are also at issue.
A more disturbing recent development comes in the wake of a major bus crash that prompted calls for yet more changes. Specifically, the incident involved potentially high bus speeds. As a result, a new proposed law would set speed limits on buses that have standing passengers to no more than 80 kilometers per hour. And in another critical safety issue, the government is being called on to make seatbelts available on all school buses (and to better educate kids about using these life-saving devices).
Sign the petition below to demand Australia’s leaders do everything in their power to fix one of their most prevalent modes of transport.
Dear Minister Haylen,
The Bus Industry Taskforce’s report clearly outlined several key problems with transportation systems that serve close to half of public transport passengers. Calls for reforms in bus speeds and in seatbelt safety also highlight the need for major corrective change. As it stands now, a meager 2 percent of the budget is set aside for crucial bus services.
While you have signaled “in-principle” support for recommended reforms, concrete action and investment is badly needed. Please make your support a reality for the sake of all Australians.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Darcy Lawrey