Police Dog Apparently Punched Multiple Times by Officer for Peeing Deserves Justice

Target: Troy Rawlings, Davis County Attorney, Utah

Goal: Ensure police officer accused of punching service dog be prosecuted.

Corporal Timothy Robinson of Davis County Sheriff’s Office reportedly engaged in a reprehensible act. Allegations claim he punched Rolf, his police dog, multiple times. This shocking incident, witnessed by two fellow K-9 handlers, demands urgent legal action.

One handler described witnessing “5-10 strikes,” while the other apparently observed Rolf cowering. Such detailed accounts of the incident paint a disturbing picture. The alleged onslaught commenced when Robinson noticed Rolf peeing on the floor. Professional trainers with decades of experience, unequivocally condemn such behavior, stressing that this is not a standard training protocol. A service animal can be corrected verbally but never assaulted.

The necessity of this petition stems from a broader context of occasional animal cruelty within police departments. Similar cases in Utah highlight the need for stringent oversight and accountability. Demand decisive legal action against Corporal Timothy Robinson for his alleged misconduct.


Dear Troy Rawlings,

The alleged actions of Corporal Timothy Robinson, such as the brutal treatment of his police K-9, Rolf, have stirred public outrage and demand your immediate attention. Detailed accounts from fellow K-9 handlers describe Robinson allegedly punching Rolf multiple times. This behavior, if proven true, is criminal.

Expert opinions from seasoned K-9 trainers emphasize that such conduct is neither a norm nor an acceptable form of correction in police dog training. The alleged incident, therefore, raises severe questions about Corporal Robinson’s adherence to standard practices and his moral judgment. Furthermore, the contextual history of animal cruelty cases within Utah’s law enforcement underscores the urgency for strict action in such matters. It is imperative that this case not be dismissed as an isolated or minor incident but seen as part of a significant concern that needs addressing at the systemic level.

Given these considerations, we urge you to pursue the highest possible charges against Corporal Timothy Robinson. The charge of “interfering with a police service animal or handler,” seems insufficient in capturing the gravity of the alleged actions. This prosecution is not just about one individual or one dog; it’s a stand for justice, ethical conduct, and the welfare of animals serving in law enforcement. We trust in your commitment to justice and await your decisive action in this matter.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tim Felce


  1. Dawn Richardson says:

    Why do police departments hire so many psychopaths? Why not subject their prospective hires to psychological testing?

    • Naila M JOHNSTON says:

      Yessss!! This loyal dog MUST BE TAKEN FROM THIS IMMORAL AND DANGEROUS ROLF IMMEDIATELY!! HE SHALL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER SERVICE DOG!! Please check his home for other pets who are subjected to this maniac!!!
      We are ENRAGED!! I could grab his gun and shoot him!! Damn him to hell!!!

    • Irene Ellis says:

      Yes – a good idea, we have fruit loop cops here in the UK too!

    • Kara Fragodt says:

      Yes!! And a more effective type of testing. Too many rage-full , hateful, insecure people get through.

  2. He’s maybe a dog but he is also a member of the Police Force and should be treated with the same respect a human would be. Any one abusing a member of the Police Force should be jailed – no excuse.

  3. Naila M JOHNSTON says:

    Yessss!! This loyal dog MUST BE TAKEN FROM THIS IMMORAL AND DANGEROUS ROLF IMMEDIATELY!! HE SHALL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER SERVICE DOG!! Please check his home for other pets who are subjected to this maniac!!!
    We are ENRAGED!! I could grab his gun and shoot him!! Damn him to hell!!!

  4. Bastard. Dog probably peed because he had become terrified of this SOB.

    • Janice M Washienko says:

      Yes, you are probably spot on! This is a horrible excuse for a human being who certainly does not belong on the Police Force!

  5. The bastard should get some jail time

  6. Ann Hoffman says:

    I bet the offender considers himself a tough guy … for punching a defenseless dog. Scum.

  7. Hang the creep sicko

  8. Should not allow sicko like that to work there


  10. Treat this dangerous psychic lunatic the same as he did to the poor dog. That piece of shit clearly doesn’t know how to treat an animal. Fire that vermin. Is not fit to work as a police officer. Let him run behind the garbage truck that secretion!

  11. Kara Fragodt says:

    Too many of these police and military are angry sociopaths looking for an outlet for their rage. I have seen first hand being a daughter and then a wife of military. He should lose his badge. Someone should beat him until he urinates. Definitely should not be in public service!!

  12. Patricia Mitchell says:

    The same MACHO ignorance about animals. WHY was this idiot not thrown out — this would not be the first time he has hurt a dog.
    And, why was the poor thing forced to pee on the floor…HAD HE NOT BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO PEE by the cruel fool??

  13. Cheryl S Ethier says:

    He shouldn’t be a cop, and he should never be allowed to own another animal. There’s enough animal abuse in the world without a cop contributing to the issue he shouldn’t be a cop and he should never be allowed to own another animal as long as he lives and he should be removed from the force. He should get jail time.

  14. You hit an officer you do jail time and this is a K9 officer!!! This cop should vet his ass kicked and thrown in jail!!! Fuckn piece of shit!!!

  15. Carol Pearce says:

    This dog handler must be removed from the force, his home checked for other animals and Rolf assigned to another dog handler who knows how to treat animals. After all, besides capturing the bad guys, they are protecting the handler and this ‘handler’ is off the rails.

  16. Maria Lavorato says:

    Prosecute this shithead to the maximum. FIRE HIM! I hope someone beats the shit out of you asshole!

    ….and never let him near an animal again.

    Give Rolf to a deserving handler PLEASE!!!!!!!

  17. Joann Hunter says:

    This officer does not deserve the privilege of working with the dog. If he is that violent with a dog I’m not sure he would even be safe working with people or the public in general. I hope he is severely reprimanded maybe flipping burgers at Burger King would be a better option for him.

  18. This person should NOT work with a DOG or the Public.

  19. This police officer does not deserve the loyalty this dog. Although they normally have an unbreakable bond, this dog MUST be given a new handler. This officer at the very least should be dismissed from the force for punching a fellow member of the force but he should face the harshest jail sentence possible. Has he never been “caught short” no excuse this is animal abuse

  20. This human officer needs to be fired. This is a dog ! He pees and poops when he needs to. A very expensive dog on duty should NEVER be treated with such cruelty. The dog doesn’t know why he is being punch. Obviously this human doesn’t like dogs or understand them. He is a dangerous officer to show such rage. Off the force and read the dog.

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