Dogs Allegedly Imprisoned Inside Death Crate Deserve Justice

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Target: P. David Soares, District Attorney of Albany County, NY

Goal: Punish man accused of neglecting and starving dogs to fullest extent if found guilty.

In New York, a man is facing animal cruelty charges after he allegedly imprisoned a pair of pit bulls in a crate for weeks on end. The animals reportedly lacked any access to water or food, leading to severe physical declines. Tragically, one of the dogs died as a seeming result.

This horrific incident comes on the heels of another case in Pennsylvania where a deceased and emaciated dog was found in a crate near railroad tracks. Such reports of imprisoned and ultimately starved animals are unfortunately on an upswing. The only way to curtail such apparent atrocities is to hold the individuals found guilty fully accountable under the law.

Sign the petition below to demand the legal system in the New York case do its job and secure justice.


Dear DA Soares,

Andrew Pulliam was charged with aggravated animal cruelty after he allegedly starved two dogs to death inside a crate. He is scheduled to be arraigned soon, but worries remain that he will receive the same type of slap on the wrist plea deal that so many accused animal abusers ultimately get. Please do not prove the critics right.

Seek the maximum possible sentence and show that every crime is taken seriously and that every living being matters.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: BBC World Service

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  1. Cant imagine being locked up without food and water for weeks, not to mention these innocent babies were already emaciated. Harshest punishments for such wicked people like Andrew Pulliam and no more pets in future! Put him in a dark tiny cell with no food and water !!!

  2. Anna Dahlberg says:

    This abhorrent act of cruelty must not go unpunished! Maximum sentence for this evil act!

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